Showing posts with label Asthma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asthma. Show all posts

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Alternative Asthma Treatment

Did you know that asthma is in the top 10 hospitalizations reasons for the United States? If you think about it is not that weird because over 19 million people suffer from asthma in the US.  


Statistics show that more and more people keep complaining to their doctors about their current asthma treatment and as a result alternative asthma treatment is getting more popularity amongst asthma patients. In the long term alternative asthma treatment is better because it works on another level. Unlike antibiotics it works in a natural way.


Asthma reflects the health of the lungs, the immune system and the adrenal glands so this means that alternative asthma treatment has to work mainly on the lungs and on the immune system.


There are several alternative asthma treatments available:




Valerian: helps keeping down the stress so asthma patients can control their breathing.

Ginger: helps to calm down the lungs, helps for easy breathing.

Garlic: prevents the accumulation of mucus in the lungs.

Elecampane: used to help healing a bronchitis it dries up mucus secretions.

Ephedra: Chinese drug  in bronchodilators. (now banned by the FDA) 




Helps to concentrate and relieve the asthma patient of stress symptoms.

Helps to learn new breathing techniques.




Asthma is often triggered by allergic reactions. It’s important to know if the asthma patient is allergic to some ingredients so they can be included in the diet.


These alternative asthma treatment methods have been proved to work and are all safe to use. These new methods are interesting for people who have been using inhalers, nebulizers and other asthma medications. These products help for immediate asthma problems but in the long term you will see that alternative asthma treatments help you to get rid of your asthma. 

Allergy and Mental Disease

The following will come as a surprise to most people, including most medical doctors.  


Most mental disease is caused by unsuspected brain allergies!


This fact was illuminated for me by Dr Marshall Mandell in the early 80's. He appeared on the Phil Donahue show, and had videos of persons with mental problems caused or worsened by allergen testing.  He was the first to name such as "brain allergies".


In 1982, Dr Von Hilsheimer introduced the first End-Point-Titration allergy testing into Florida, and I worked with him at an allergy clinic in Orlando. We amazed several MD allergists in that clinic with depression and many other cases being solved.


During that time, I studied allergy/sensitivity extensively. I found a list of mental diseases caused by allergens that surprised me. None of my previous experience with psychology had prepared me for such. If was the following:


Schizophrenia, depression, hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD), Emotional instability or hypersensitivity, Insomnia, Chronic fatigue, crying jags, stuttering, excessive daydreaming, anxiety, panic attacks, withdrawn, listless, seizures, aggressive behaviour, anger, irritability, silly, tense, restless, excited, agitated, behaviour problems in children, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, poor comprehension, confusion, impaired attention, obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviour, feelings of unreality, disorientation, false beliefs or delusions, hallucinations, suicidal, feel like hurting self.


While giving a 4 day orthomolecular seminar in Soviet Georgia in 2000, I was introduced to the latest EEG biofeedback therapy of raising the amplitude of the brain waves just above Alpha, in the range of 12-15 Hz. In the discussion, I remembered that list of mental diseases caused by allergens, and proposed the theory that raising that brain wave somehow changed the effect of allergens on the brain.  


When I returned to the US, I started the first leasing of EEG BF equipment for home use. As you can imagine this did not endear me to the clinicians who were charging up to $250 per half hour for the service. The actual operation is so simple that anyone with a high school education can easily learn how to do it, although the learned clinicians will (as usual) protest the necessity of a professional approach.  (This in spite of no harm being done to anyone, and no license being required to practice this simple therapy.)  


In 2001, Dr Jiri Tyrl of the Czech Biofeedback Society listed papers about EEG biofeedback that showed the following mental diseases as being either cured or greatly improved by this feedback:


Epilepsy; ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Academic-Cognitive Enhancement; Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, Sleep Disorders, Depression, Hemispheric Asymmetry, Anger, Addictive Disorders, Brain Injury, Stroke, Coma, Spasticity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Dysfunctions, Headache and other Pain, Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Parkinson's Dystonia, Tourette's Syndrome, Autism; Cognitive Decline with Aging, Asthma Hypertension Dissociative Disorders, Creativity, Optimal Functioning, Criminal Recidivism.


This list was further proof (to me at least) that allergens were involved in much mental more mental disease that was suspected, and that this particular EEG biofeedback (now known as raising the SMR brain wave), DID somehow relieve this allergen susceptibility.


In 2004, one of those comic light bulbs went on above my head, and I realized that it should be possible to do the same thing - namely raise the SMR brain wave - by use of subliminal messaging.  


I put out a call for volunteers, and got over 20, who sent me weekly emails. Most were various types of ADD/ADHD, with a few depressives and insomniacs mixed in. The results definitely showed both that my allergen theory was correct, and my subliminal theory was also correct.  


In 3 more volunteer tests since that time, we have shown that this therapy (named Neuroliminal Training) is at least as effective as EEG Biofeedback (aka Neurofeedback) for ADD/ADHD, depression, insomnia, autism, and epilepsy.  


We're going even further with a current test that includes Alzheimer's cases, PTSD cases, OCD/anxiety and other severe depression cases, autism and epileptic (longer testing), and even some anaphylaxis cases.  Anyone interested in this test should contact me at the website below. 


Dr Bate is the retired orthomolecular psychologist who invented Neuroliminal Training, the affordable way of changing brain wave amplitudes.


Allergies - a massive subject and one which affects more than 55 million Americans. 


Apart from the North Americans, allergies also affect a large number of the rest of the world's population - close to 40 per cent, in fact, will, at one time, or another, suffer the annoying and sometimes debilitating results of this ailment.  Allergic symptoms range from the mild to life-threatening. Sneezing, coughing, eyes itching and stuffed up nose. May even be one of the causes of asthma and right through, to the sometimes deadly, anaphylactic reactions. 


Allergy causes, are many and varied. Among the more common are mold, dust mites and it in the springtime, pollen. 


Genetics may also play a part and nothing can be done about that. Both good and bad is passed down to you, through your parents. 


A low immune system is another major cause of allergies. Boosting the immune system, with such as Green Tree, might help, but balancing the immune system is far more preferable, as boosting the immune system can cause complications in other areas. 


What causes allergies? Basically, the body is merely reacting to a perceived threat and fights the allergens in the same way as a bacteriological invasion. 


Allergies, concerning food, are not as common as most people think, but can be severe causing several hundreds of deaths annually. 


Whilst millions of people are allergic to to animals, especially cats, we should seek relief, rather than do without the company of our precious and loyal, four-footed friends. 


Cures may be many and varied. Asthma attacks, for instance, may be alleviated by the taking of a Chinese herbal formula named, Minor Blue Dragon, or Xiao Qing Long Tang (XQLT). It has successfully been used for centuries, in China. 


It is a most effective bronchodilator and often more efficacious than prescribed drugs. 


Acupuncture has also been found to be a most effective treatment, for allergies in general.


Supplements and vitamins may also help, to greatly improve the immune system, together with a healthy lifestyle. 


Vitamins, A, C, E, selenium and carotenoids. Antioxidants, MSM, magnesium and zinc may also help. Americans in particular, have become obsessed about cleanliness and buy any product which promises to be "99 per cent effective against all bad germs", or some such nonsense. Children, particularly the very young, might benefit from a "little dirt" in their surroundings, to strengthen their immune systems, from an earlier age. 


Eating foods "in season" can help. People used to eat seasonal fruit and vegetables, but with refrigeration and shipping, from around the world, our bodies receiving no respite from this problem. 


This has necessarily been a very short article on allergies. 


Seek further information from people practising alternative health and medicine, such as acupuncturists, herbalists, holistic practitioners and aromatherapists. You'll find that there is much free and interesting information in your local library, or on the internet. 


Good luck in your quest. You will find it to be a most enlightening and satisfying journey.

Acupuncture For Asthma - Fact Or Fiction

Does acupuncture for asthma work? And is it the right treatment to try for you? Finding out more about both acupuncture and asthma can help make the decisions easier.


Acupuncture for asthma may sound like an odd combination. One is a common disease that affects approximately 20 million Americans; the other is a mysterious, esoteric, alternative medicine technique. Lots of people have asthma, but not many people have tried acupuncture.


But if you are an asthma sufferer, it can seem at times that anything - even something as mysterious as acupuncture - is worth trying. Breathing is something that most us never think about. It's an unconscious process and unless we're ill, we easily get the oxygen we need. But for people with asthma, breathing is always on their minds. There is always the chance that an asthma attack will leave them gasping for air. Sometime these attacks are predictable and sometimes they are not, sometimes they are minor and easily handled at home, and sometimes asthma suffers end up in an emergency room. It's no wonder that some asthma sufferers have turned to acupuncture for asthma.


Asthma is a chronic disease with no cure. There are different types of asthma, but they all produce the same signs and symptoms: rapid breathing, sweating, rapid heartbeat, and the uncomfortable sensation of suffocation. The exact cause of asthma is not known (there may be a genetic factor at work), but there is no doubt that environmental factors - cold, dust, pollution, etc - trigger the attacks. During the attacks, inflammation and constriction of the respiratory passages limit the amount of air that can be inhaled, the attacks can last for minutes or hours and as mentioned earlier, there is no cure. But although there is no cure, there are constant efforts to find new methods of treatment, and there are practitioners and patients who believe that acupuncture for asthma is the answer.


Acupuncture (the word comes from the Latin words ‘acus’, meaning needle, and ‘pungere’, meaning to puncture) is a very old system of medicine. It is not clear where acupuncture originates from, but it has been most closely associated with China. In acupuncture, very narrow needles are inserted into the skin (just barely penetrating the surface) at certain key points in the body. The needles are said to correct a disharmony in the flow of energy through the body, a disharmony that is said to be the cause of disease. Traditional, Western medicine has several theories about how acupuncture works (e.g., it may stimulate the release of natural pain relievers, endorphins) but has not yet completely explained how acupuncture.


Of course, the big question is, does acupuncture work? And can acupuncture successfully treat asthma? Well, not unlike the search for an explanation for how asthma works, the answers are not clear - and they depend on whom you ask. According to traditional acupuncturists, yes, acupuncture for asthma is an effective treatment, especially with asthma in young children. There are dozens of websites and thousands of testimonials that all attest to the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment for asthma. Acupuncture, they say, has worked where nothing else has.


But ask the same question - does acupuncture for asthma work - of doctors and scientists who have been trained in traditional, Western medicine and scientific methodology, and the answer will be quite different. Acupuncture, they say, is as interesting phenomenon, but the question of how it works is less important than the question does it work, and their answer to that is no. There is no conclusive evidence that acupuncture for asthma works, and a review of the scientific studies that have attempted to answer this question have not proven acupuncture to be a viable technique for treating asthma. If there are reports that it works, these can be explained by the placebo effect (The placebo effect states that medications or medical techniques/ procedures may be perceived by the patient as effective because they believe they are effective, but there is no measurable effect). 


So can acupuncture truly help someone who suffers from asthma? That seems to depend on your point of view. If you feel that illness is caused by disruption in energy flow and you are convinced by anecdotal reports, the only reasonable answer is: try it and find out. Acupuncture for asthma is very safe; serious adverse effects are very rare. But if you are the type of person who needs proof in the traditional sense, it may make more sense to stick with the medications/therapies you are taking and wait for solid evidence that acupuncture can help treat your asthma.

Acupuncture - A Benefit?

Acupuncture is the basic foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine and is based on the belief that there are two opposing and inseparable forces within our body.  They are known as the Yin and Yang of the entire person. The Yin is representative of the cold, slow, or passive principle, and yang represents the hot, excited or active principle.


Before we begin a discussion about the benefits of acupuncture, let’s talk about the origins of acupuncture. It was first used in China over 2000 years ago, and is one of the oldest medical procedures in the world. It is a family of procedures that stimulates the anatomy of the body and helps to balance the energy flow throughout the body. It is this kind of acupuncture that is practiced in the United Sates today, through the use of tiny, metallic needles placed in affected areas and manipulated by hand or by electrical stimulation.


Acupuncture is the basic foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine and is based on the belief that there are two opposing and inseparable forces within our body.  They are known as the Yin and Yang of the entire person. The Yin is representative of the cold, slow, or passive principle, and yang represents the hot, excited or active principle. A healthy state is achieved by maintaining a balance state of the yin and yang. This is done through vital pathways or meridians that allow for the flow of qi, or vital energy. The vital energy flow occurs along pathways known as meridians. These meridians connect over 2,000 acupuncture points along the body. There are 12 main meridians, and 8 secondary meridians. Although traditional western medicine does not completely understand how acupuncture works, the proof that it does work has been shown in several studies conducted by western medical facilities.


Now, let’s move to the question of does it work? According to the National Institute of Health, the answer would be yes. Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in many areas of health care. Areas such as postoperative nausea, chemotherapy side effects, osteoarthritis, low-back pain, headache, menstrual cramps, addiction, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma, just to name a few. The study revealed that acupuncture was able to provide pain relief, improve function and mobility of joints due to arthritis inflammation, and served to complement standard care.


Although there are many who would doubt the effectiveness of acupuncture, once they are a patient, they are believers. It has been proposed that acupuncture works and produces its effects through regulating the nervous system. The theory proposes that since acupuncture produces its effect through regulation of the nervous system, it induces the release of endorphins and immune system cells at specific sites on the body. There is also the theory that acupuncture alters the brain chemistry by the changing the neurotransmitters in the brain.


Without doubt acupuncture was a benefit in the study, and as a patient myself, I can vouch for the wonderful effect it has had on my back. Although acupuncture is classified as an alternative medicine therapy, and there is still much to be understood about the way it works, it is a proven aid in maintaining optimal health.


But what about the well individual, can acupuncture provide a benefit to them?  Absolutely. Because acupuncture works off the belief that we must maintain balance of our vital energy flow in order to remain healthy, acupuncture serves as the tool for realignment. Our vital energy flow can be out of balance, and we still feel and appear quite healthy. It is in this capacity that acupuncture serves as a sort of preventive medicine. Checking and balancing the flow of energy on the meridian points in your body is like your car receiving a tune-up before it is in need of a repair.

Acupressure Fast Facts - Get Pain Relief at Home

Discover the secrets of acupressure and get fast pain relief at home.


Acupressure was originated in China thousands of years ago, and evidence has been found that acupressure was practiced in the stone age! Acupressure has been used to reduce post-operative nausea and vomiting in children. Acupressure also reduces nausea in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. 


Acupressure can be done anywhere without special equipment. You can treat yourself safely with acupressure, as long as you follow the guidelines of a professional acupressure practitioner. Correctly performed, acupressure increases circulation, reduces tension and pain and enables the body to relax.


Acupressure strengthens the immune system and promotes wellness. Acupressure should be applied slowly and gently. Applying it too quickly or vigorously can do some damage, especially in the abdominal area. Special care and caution is needed in the case of a pregnant woman or in treating a person with burns, infections and recent injuries.


Acupressure is more effective than physical therapy for the majority of patients with low back pain. Ear acupressure can be used to reduce stress and anxiety. Acupressure is used to reduce fear and anxiety in trauma victims and in pre-operative care.


Acupressure can be used to treat all these conditions: 


  • Tension Headaches
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Jaw Pain, Toothache, Earache
  • Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • Wrist, Hand, Arm pain
  • Backache, Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot pain
  • Colds, Flu, Sore throat, Sinus Infection, Loss of Voice
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety Attacks and Nervousness
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Fainting
  • Hiccoughs
  • Improve Memory and Concentration
  • Angina, Heart Palpitations and High Blood Pressure
  • Constipation, Diarrhoea, Heartburn and Stomachache
  • PMS and Painful Periods, Hot Flashes, Pregnancy Discomfort, Morning Sickness
  • Bed-wetting, Incontinence, Urinary retention
  • Nose bleeding, Itching, Asthma, Decreased Libido, Hangover 


Here are a couple acupressure tips you can try: 


For headaches and muscle or joint pain, press the fleshy part of your hand between your thumb and index finger. Hold for this for one minute, then repeat on the other hand. 


For low-back pain, lie on your back, with your feet elevated on a sofa or chair. Place two tennis balls under your lower back on either side of your spine (I got cheap tennis balls in the dog toy department). Stay in this position for one minute or sooner if it becomes uncomfortable. 


For knee pain, put a tennis ball on a pillow, then place your leg over it so the ball is pushing into the crease behind your knee. Find the sensitive spot just below your kneecap and slightly to the outside of the shinbone. Press into it gently with your fingertips for about one minute. 


You can learn to do acupressure at home to supplement professional treatment. This is especially useful when you are stricken with illness or pain and you can't get to the doctor soon.