Showing posts with label Allergy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Allergy. Show all posts

Monday 13 September 2021

The Role Of Inflammation In The Aging Process

Inflammation is a biological process that has received quite a bit of press in recent years and has been the subject of numerous different health trends, most popularly in the fields of diet and weight loss. Inflammation is defined by the National Institute of Health as “a very complex response to an injury, infection, or other stimulus, in which many different cells types and secreted factors orchestrate protective immunity, tissue repair, and resolution of tissue damage.”


There is also a new trend of research and information that inflammation may have a key role in the aging process, with some thought-leaders surmising that inflammation is the primary cause of aging in human beings. That may or may not be true, but we can certainly review the current information available to figure out if inflammation is something we should be aware of to help us age gracefully. 


Most research has been done to understand the role of inflammation in the elderly, especially concerning degenerative diseases. While we are still working to understand the overall role of inflammation in the lifespan of the aging process from youth onwards, there seems to be a fair amount of consensus that it plays a primary role in the accelerated aging process seen in the elderly. 


A recent panel organized by National Institute of Health and National Geroscience Interest Group on aging stated that “It is now recognized that a mild pro-inflammatory state is correlated with the major degenerative diseases of the elderly.” 


This begs the question of how does inflammation start or how does it originate? 


It is a hard question to articulate and requires a great deal of medical and scientific jargon to properly express, however a summary from a recent study in  Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery expresses a good general outline, “Inflammatory process induces oxidative stress and reduces cellular antioxidant capacity. 


Overproduced free radicals react with cell membrane fatty acids and proteins impairing their function permanently.” What exactly does that mean? Inflammation most simply put is the body’s response to an abnormal event in the body that it is attempting to repair. The most common or simple version might be a stubbed toe that swells, turns black or blue and eventually over time as healing occurs returns to normal. That process is the body inflaming the hurt area to protect it or heal it. 


Chronic inflammation is the case of internal inflammation over time that can lead to aging processes. As the research study stated, it induces stress and reduces certain capacities in the body, many of which are key to the aging process, in order to deal with other stresses within the body.


Being that we have a basic idea of the aging process and inflammations role in it, how do prevent inflammation from occurring? The jury is still out officially, although two different recent studies examined the role of caloric-restriction on the inflammation process. 


Both studies, from the Ageing Research Reviews and Antioxidants and Redux Signaling respectively, examined the anti-inflammatory actions of aging-retarding caloric restriction and exercise. It would seem that, while perhaps not a complete surprise, a poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle would increase inflammation and therefore the aging process. 


In fact, the study from Antioxidants and Redux signaling found that “major chronic aging-related diseases such as atherosclerosis, arthritis, dementia, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular diseases, are inflammation-related.” It is certainly not a coincidence that most of these conditions are also symptoms of a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet choices. 


As a summary, it is fair to conclude that inflammation has a high correlation and may be a direct cause of many aging and degenerative conditions we face later on in life. 


We also are safe to surmise that inflammation is a reactive process of our body to attempt to heal events that are not ideal for homeostasis, or events that place stress on the body. 


In the case of inflammation, these events are molecular and result from the bad kind of stress, that stress that comes from poor diet choices and lack of exercise, which leads to inflamed cellular responses. 


To summarize in the simplest terms, inflammation increases the process of aging, and poor diet and lack of exercise increases inflammation; therefore, eat a healthy diet and exercise to help inhibit the aging process!


5 Healthy Drinks To Add To Your Diet


When people get tired of drinking water, they often choose to drink sodas or other types of unhealthy drinks filled with overwhelming amounts of sugar. Although it’s completely normal to get sick of water from time to time, you should be more careful when you choose to use as a substitute for it. 


However, you should be aware that nothing can replace water. It’s without a doubt the healthiest option and is needed by your body in order to function properly. Nevertheless, if you’re looking to add some variety and spice up your waterlogged palette, then you should consider adding these five healthy drinks to your diet.

Orange Juice

Drinking a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice in the morning is the perfect way to start your day. Some people don’t want to put in the effort to prepare orange juice on a regular basis. If you don’t have enough motivation to do so, then at least try to make it when it will be most useful. For example, making it during allergy season is always a good idea, since this drink is known for soothing season allergies, thanks to its quercetin and vitamin C content.


It’s also worth mentioning that because this drink is an excellent source of vitamin C, it can strengthen your immune system and make you less vulnerable to different diseases. If you’re buying orange juice instead of making it yourself, make sure to buy the calcium-fortified version, as that will provide you with more health benefits, such as improved bone health.

Green Tea

The next time you feel like drinking a cup of coffee, try to prepare a cup of green tea. Not only will this provide you with the energy boost that you would seek in a cup of coffee, but it will also provide you with some great health benefits. 


Green tea represents a great source of polyphenols and flavonoids, which are natural antioxidants that help protect your cells from various harmful substances. Due to its high antioxidant content, green tea can reduce the risk of serious health problems, such as heart disease and cancer.


Due to the fact that green tea contains fluoride, it can have a positive impact on the health of your teeth. Additionally, the flavonoid content of this drink can improve your bone health.

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice has become increasingly popular during the last several years. Not only is this drink very tasty and refreshing, but it also offers a lot of different health benefits. Some of the most notable health benefits of pomegranate juice include improved heart health, strengthened immune system, and lower risk of cancer. Consuming this drink on a regular basis can also help you maintain normal blood sugar levels, as well as normal blood pressure levels. If you’re not making your own pomegranate juice, then you should be careful when buying it. Some manufacturers dilute the drink with other liquids or add excess sugar.

Low-Fat Milk

As a child, you were encouraged to drink milk because of its vitamin D and calcium content. However, low-fat milk can be a great drink for grown-ups as well. The low-fat varieties of this drink will provide you with many essential micronutrients. 


It will also provide you with all the macronutrients you need (protein, carbohydrates, and fat). Another great thing about low-fat milk is that it will help you feel full for an extended time period, which will surely prevent you from overeating.

Beet Juice

Beet juice is without a doubt one of the healthiest drinks you can consume. However, it often isn’t found in grocery stores, so you will have to make it at home. Some of the most notable health benefits of beet juice include increased stamina, lower blood pressure, and increased blood flow to the brain.

Sunday 12 September 2021

The Health Benefits Of Red Wine

Have you been looking for more reasons to enjoy red wine? There’s good news, because it really does provide you with a host of health benefits. Just remember to limit yourself to no more than five glasses of week (and certainly no more than two glasses a day). 


Just look at the following incredible health benefits of red wine. 


Heart Health


Red wine contains a variety of active compounds that contain properties to protect your heart health, including quercetin, polyphenols, and resveratrol. There have been numerous studies looking at how moderate enjoyment of red wine can be beneficial to various aspects which relate to heart disease. According to the Mayo Clinic, resveratrol can prevent blood clots from forming, raise healthy levels of cholesterol, and help prevent the damage that bad cholesterol causes arteries. 


According to the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, found that Quercetin promotes heart health through reducing inflammation, and regulating blood pressure. 


Fights Bad Cholesterol 


A study from Copenhagen’s Royal Veterinary and Agriculture University found that the level of wine consumption was directly related to the level of good cholesterol, with participants seeing an improvement of 5% after enjoying red wine in moderation. Additionally, Australia’s Curtin University completed a study that discovered that regularly drinking red wine could reduce the level of bad cholesterol, specifically in postmenopausal women. 


Free Radical Fighting


Free radicals build up in your system and cause a variety of diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular problems, arthritis, neurodegenerative diseases, and more. Red wine contains antioxidants that counteract the stress that is caused by free radicals. These antioxidants bolster your immune system, and reduce the risk of a variety of serious health problems. 


Diabetes Management


Red wine can reduce the speed with which glucose passes into the bloodstream through the small intestine. This helps with the prevention of blood sugar spikes that type 2 diabetes causes. When consumed in moderation, red wine can form part of a diet plan for those with type 2 diabetes. The reason that red wine is so much more effective than white wine is because red wine contains over ten times the number of polyphenols. 


Prevents Weight Gain 


The grapes that are used in red wine contain piceatannol, and this is similar in structure to the compound resveratrol. However, what piceatannol does is block immature fat cells from growing. Where it is present, it prevents cell development from progressing. It’s so effective at this because it can destroy these fat cells early on in the process, thus preventing the accumulation of fat cells and gains in body mass. How? By binding to the insulin receptors that are located in the fat cells, and then blocking insulin from controlling the cycle of those cells. Additionally, it blocks the activity of insulin to activate fat formation genes. 


Dementia Preventing


The Mediterranean diet has long been known for its vast health benefits. Red wine is central to the diet, and according to the National Institute on Aging, those who follow it reduce the risk of dementia by 48%. 


There has been more research completed on red wine as an effective preventative measure for Alzheimer’s. It is resveratrol that is highlighted as the key compound in red wine that can prevent or slow down the progression of dementia. This is because of its ability to reduce inflammation, and serve as a protectant to neurons. 


Red Wine Ingredients


The reason that red wine is so beneficial to health is due to its ingredients, it’s the flavonoid content which boosts your health. 


Quercetin is known for its ability to impact heart disease, chronic disease, allergies, high cholesterol, diabetes, skin disorders, gout, stomach ulcers, eye issues, cancer, and cognitive impairments.


Resveratrol is another key compound, and it is known for its ability to support the health of cells and tissues, protect against diabetes, promote circulation, fight oxidative stress, protect against cancer, prevent premature aging, and improve energy. 


Saturday 11 September 2021

Anti-Inflammatory Foods And Diet To Combat Aging


Aging gracefully means being as healthy as you can be for as long as possible.  Your dietary and lifestyle choices play a big role in that.  Even though you make the effort to exercise and eat right, you should always be looking for ways to fight aging through eating anti-inflammatory foods. 


All of the anti-aging philosophies, promises, and products can be daunting.  You may wonder whether or not eating anti-inflammatory foods is helpful to you.  It turns out that the body’s aging process can be accelerated by inflammation in the body. You need to talk to your doctor, dietitian, or nutritionist to find out more about this. 


What is inflammation and how can it affect your body?


The immune system responds to injury and diseases by providing you with inflammation.  This is a normal process that is important for healing.  One the other hand, not all inflammation is healthy for you. 


When inflammation gets out of hand, it can attack the normal cells of your body and the process that is supposed to heal you becomes self-destructive.  It is now well known that chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious illnesses, especially those related to the aging process.  


Persistent stress, over-exposure to environmental toxins, and poor diet can all contribute to this type of inflammatory process.


Can something be done?


The good news is that there are some lifestyle choices that can help this process.  Following an anti-inflammatory diet is one way to control the aging process.  While it sounds like a good idea, be wary.  The anti-inflammatory diet is an eating plan you follow through on throughout your life in order to combat the aging process.  It isn’t technically geared for weight loss but rather helps improve your overall long-term health.  


The Anti-Inflammatory Diet


The anti-inflammatory diet places a focus on whole foods that are whole and unrefined, high in anti-inflammatory spices, high in healthy fats, and high in omega 3 fatty acids.  


Some things to include in an anti-inflammatory diet include the following:


·      Soy products, such as tofu, soy milk, tempeh, an edamame

·      Healthy fats found in extra virgin olive oil of high quality, beans, avocados, seeds, and nuts

·      Vegetables and foods that are brightly colored, such as dark berries, fruits, and vegetables

·      Clean water and green tea as a beverage

·      Spices that are anti-inflammatory, such as cinnamon, turmeric, and ginger


Foods to Avoid


It is also important to decrease your intake of foods that cause inflammation. Highly processed foods are inflammatory as are carbohydrates that are quickly digested, such as sugar and sugary snacks. You need to stay away from foods containing vegetable shortening, partially hydrogenated oils, and polyunsaturated oils, such as soy, corn, safflower, and sunflower oils.  


It may be difficult to know if you are eating any of these foods, which is why you need to read the food labels to see if any of these inflammatory foods are in them. When you’re not sure, you should buy raw unprocessed foods and cook them yourself. Food that are labeled “raw” or “organic” can be seen as good foods to choose in an anti-inflammatory diet.  


Does an anti-inflammatory diet work?


According to the expert dietitians, there is good evidence to show that monounsaturated oils and omega 3 oils can fight inflammation. On the other hand, some of the information is off when it comes to taking anti-inflammatory foods to combat aging. One study indicated that heredity can play a role in who gets the disease and who doesn’t. 


While diet is important, genetics also plays a role in the aging process. You can decrease the effects of chronic diseases by eating an anti-inflammatory food diet. Don’t make big changes all at once. Start introducing anti-inflammatory foods gradually into your diet and take away inflammatory foods so that eventually your diet represents an anti-inflammatory diet as much as is possible. 


Are there risks to an anti-inflammatory diet?


According to experts, there are no known risks to taking an anti-inflammatory diet. You should, however, take precautions if you have food allergies. You should talk to your doctor about finding ways to use this type of diet to your advantage.