Thursday 5 May 2022

Two Transformative Tips to Change Your Mindset to Help You Accomplish Any Goal

People have a range of different dreams and goals. This is one of the best things about people in fact. We’re all different and we all have different aspirations – different goals to share with one another and different things to talk about.


The unhappiest people? They’re the ones with no goals. No direction. No motivation. A goal gives you a vision, it gives you drive and it makes every day seem like a positive step to an end destination that is truly important to you.


But while goals are intrinsically rewarding, problems do arise when we don’t know how to pursue them. Having a goal that seems completely out of grasp and making no progress whatsoever is disheartening.


In this article, we’ll look at some of the things you can do to help yourself reach your goals faster. Whether you want to write an amazing book, set up a business or do anything else; these are two tips that will apply in every situation and that you might not have heard before.


Tip 1: You Have to Believe


This might sound like cheesy bumper-plate-sticker-advice, but it is very true. At the end of the day, you need to have absolute faith that the plan you have to get your book published or to become famous is actually going to work. Why? Because otherwise you risk putting in all the time and effort for nothing!


Think about it: have you ever struggled to stay motivated to get into work? No! The reason for that is because you know that going to work means getting paid. This is 100% guaranteed. 


But you may have struggled to stick to a training program and part of the reason for that is that you know it might not yield results. So whatever plan you come up with, make sure you believe it!


Tip 2: You Have to Take it Slowly


The other problem is wanting results right now and ending up burning yourself out too quickly. Want to write the next best-selling novel? The way to do that is not in one or two sittings! You need to take your time, to work steadily and to be considered in the way you approach this goal. The best option is to plan to write one or two chapters every day. Look up the word ‘Kaizen’ for more on why this works so well!


Why the Right Mindset is Everything When it Comes to Fitness

If you plan on getting in the best shape of your life, then what do you need to do to make that happen?


Answer: it’s all about your mindset. It’s all about the way you approach a goal and go after your training. 


Millions of people make the decision to get into great shape every year but 99% of those will fail to get the abs and the biceps they want. You know this to be true: perhaps you’ve been in that number yourself at some point.


What happens next is that those people look for a reason for their failure – for something to blame. Very often, this will mean blaming the training program they were following, or perhaps accusing their genetics. But it’s not about that. It’s about mindset.


How Your Mindset Changes the Game


The reality is that you can have the worst genetics in the world and be following the worst training program, but if you are vigilant and you stick at it then you should still see results. Even if all you are doing is a bunch of press ups every night, then you should still find that you tone up and lose some weight.


The single key factor is that you are sticking with it.


And to do that, you need to get into the right mindset. 


The Biggest Mistake People Make


So how do you change your mind precisely? What is this big mistake that so many people make? 


One of the biggest problems is that many of us want results too fast. We want to see a change in our physique now and thus we adopt an extreme diet or a training program fit for a Navy Seal.


Of course, all this does is to make us incredibly exhausted and stressed and to prevent us from enjoying our food. It’s unsustainable.


And then what happens is that we give up. Eventually we give up at least because the plan is simply unsustainable. Most of us will quit faster than that though. If you’re eating nothing but plain bread every morning, noon and night then there’s a good chance you’ll give up within a few weeks. If you’re trying to run 10km a day, you might not make it to day two.


Instead, you need to see this as a lifestyle change. If you are on a diet, that means you are likely to come off a diet. So focus on making it fun and sustainable!


5 Common Limiting Beliefs that Are Destroying Your Self-Confidence

Limiting beliefs are firmly held convictions that constrain us is some way. By believing them, we end up diminishing ourselves and impoverishing our lives. They tend to destroy your self-esteem, damaging your belief in your own ability to make the necessary changes in your life that will lead you to happiness and a more fulfilled life. When it comes to the limiting beliefs that destroy your self-esteem, here are the five most common beliefs that you may be holding onto. 


1. I Don’t Deserve Anything Good


When you believe that you aren't worthy of anything good in your life, you will subconsciously turn down any reasonable opportunities that come your way or sabotage those opportunities that you've already received. This limiting belief disrupts that balance of giving and receiving. 


2. I’m Not Good Looking Enough


When you continue to fail at finding a date, you begin to question your appearance. While appearance does play an essential role in delivering an excellent first impression, it is your charm and attractiveness that matters in the long run. It can be hard to appear confident if you always doubt your physical looks.


3. I Will Only Fail in My Dream


When you trap yourself in a failure mindset, you will never have a chance to achieve success, regardless of what you are doing. The more you fear failure, the harder it will be for you to move on. Instead, you need to learn as much as you can from each mistake and failure you’ve encountered and move on quickly. 


4. I Can’t Find Happiness


If you don’t know where to look for it, the quest for happiness in your life can be an eternal journey. While you will always encounter negative emotions, even when you are bursting with confidence, happiness is a skill that you can learn. You just have to start being grateful for all the little things you have in life. 


5. I Can Never Turn This Around


When you experience setbacks and challenges in life, you may end up feeling anxious or depressed. When you hit rock bottom, you can’t see anything good happening to you in the future. If you continue to strengthen this belief, it will eventually turn into your reality. If you find yourself in this situation, it is vital to feel hopeful and start taking actions to dig yourself out of this hole.


Don’t continue to allow these five limiting beliefs hold you back from being a confident person and living the life you want.

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem Today

Self-esteem is terrific but can be an extremely delicate thing. When your self-esteem is high, you feel more resilient and are less vulnerable to anxiety. Unfortunately, it can be a challenge to improve our self-esteem, especially if you’ve experienced setbacks in the past. Here are five simple ways to help improve your self-esteem and deal with life’s unexpected blows. 


1. Use Positive Affirmations 


The idea behind positive affirmations is that you fill your mind with positive thoughts until you begin to believe them. It is a popular way to build self-esteem because it is simple, and anyone can do it. Unfortunately, if not done in the right way, it can lead to even lower self-esteem. Consider changing the affirmation “I’m going to be successful” to something more manageable like, “I will continue until I succeed.”


2. Identify What You’re Good At


Your self-esteem will grow when you demonstrate real abilities and achievements in areas of your life that matter to you. You need to figure your what your core skills and talents are and find opportunities that will emphasize those skills. 


3. Learn to Accept Compliments


When we feel bad about ourselves, it can be hard for anywhere else to drag us out. During these times, we tend to be more resistant to compliments. Rather than shrugging off compliments as lies, you should try to set the goal of tolerating compliments when you receive them. This is important to do, even if it feels uncomfortable because it will be worth it in the long run.


4. Stop Criticizing Yourself


We are more likely to kick ourselves when we are down. When we have low self-esteem, we tend to do even more damage to it by being self-critical. When you start to tell yourself all the things that you are doing wrong and criticizing yourself for who you are, think twice about what you are saying. By taking a few minutes to recognize the self-criticism, you will give yourself the ability to start building yourself up instead. 


5. Remind Yourself of Your Real Worth


Reminding yourself of your real worth is the best way to revive low self-esteem when your confidence sustains a blow. If you fail to get a promotion at work, write down everything that makes you a valuable employee, such as being reliable. Write a short paragraph or two about why each quality is essential and why others will appreciate it.


Building your self-esteem isn’t going to be an easy task, and it requires a lot of hard work, but the return you get will be invaluable if you do it correctly.


6 Practical Ways to Build Your Self-Confidence

Not even the most significant leaders can escape periods where they lack self-confidence. Your self-confidence isn't a static quality but rather a mindset that, when the going gets rough, takes some effort to maintain. It is something that must be learned, practiced, and mastered just like all your other skills. When you can master it, your life will change for the better. Here are six ways you can build your self-confidence.


Act the Part


The one thing that can instantly demonstrate self-assuredness, or scream insecurity, is your body language. You always want to present yourself in ways that say that you are ready to master any situation. Looking confident and acting the part will allow you to feel more in control and people will be much more confident with you as well. 


Dress the Part


When you look better, you tend to feel better. Choosing clothing that fits well and suits your industry and lifestyle and that makes you feel good will automatically increase your self-esteem. You have to look like the part you want to play. 


Speak Assertively


Great speakers speak confidently, in a steady and rhythmic tone, rather than the flow being interrupted by the “ums” and “ahs.” To build your confidence, adopt an assertive way of speaking that indicates your self-confidence. Avoid high-pitched, nervous chatter and giggles in your speech. 


Think and Act Positively


Positive energy will always lead to positive outcomes, so create a mindset that sets your mind to the can-do side of situations. Also, avoid the negative self-talk that can make you feel less confident. Always look for ways to smile, laugh, and surround yourself with positive people. 


Take Action


There is more to being confident than merely dressing and acting the part. You have to take action. Inaction will breed doubt and fear while taking action will breed confidence and courage. When you practice being self-confident, you will soon find that it has become second nature. 


Be Prepared


The more prepared you are for any given situation, the more confident you’ll feel about your competency and expertise. Being prepared will help you to avoid getting tripped up by life’s unexpected challenges. Learn everything you can about your industry, your goals, and what drives you to success. 


These six tips will help you boost your self-confidence. With some patience and perseverance, you are just steps away from becoming a more confident you.


Improve your Self-Esteem with These 5 Tips

There is nothing as important as how you think and feel about yourself. Building and maintaining high self-esteem is an integral part of life. Not only does high self-esteem allow you to have more internal stability, but it can help make your life become simpler and happier. Here are five powerful tips that you can use today to help you improve and maintain your self-esteem.


Stop Comparing Yourself to Others


One of the most destructive habits that you can acquire is comparing yourself to others. This is because there will always be someone who has more or is better than you at something. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is you. Look at all the things that you have accomplished in your life and how you can improve. This will help to raise your self-esteem as well as motivate you to do more. 


Appreciate Yourself


In the evenings, spend a few minutes writing down three things that you appreciate about yourself. At the end of the evening, before you go to bed, ask yourself, “What are three things I can appreciate about myself?” Not only will this help to improve your self-esteem, but it can also turn a sour mood around. 


Get Rid of Perfectionism


Having a perfectionist mindset can paralyze you from taking action because you have become so scared of not living up to some standard. This can lead to procrastination, resulting in you not getting the desired outcome that you want. This can be one of the quickest ways to kill your self-esteem. 


Try Something New


When you step outside of your comfort zone and try something new, you can increase your opinion about yourself. It doesn't have to be anything significant, just something that will help you get out of your rut. Step outside your comfort zone often and don't expect anything, just tell yourself that you'll try something out.


Spend Time with Supportive People


Choose to spend less time with people who are unkind or unsupportive of your dreams and goals. Being around negative people can quickly bring you down and destroy your self-esteem. Instead, spending more time with people who are positive, and uplifting will go a long way toward improving your own self-esteem. 


It is important to remember the reasons why you are working to improve your self-esteem. Doing these simple things on a daily basis and keeping these powerful reasons in mind will do wonders for improving your self-esteem.


Boost Your Self-Confidence with These Tips

Nobody is born with a limitless supply of self-confidence. Those who seem to have incredible confidence have worked extremely hard for years to build it. Self-confidence is something that you learn to build up because life tends to deflate it. Along with the outside influences that can affect our self-esteem, we also have to deal with the inner critic that is continually telling us we aren't good enough. Here are five things that you can do to help boost your self-confidence. 


Question Your Inner Critic


Some of the harshest comments that we hear come from ourselves, via our inner critic. When your inner critic becomes overactive and inaccurate, you may start to suffer from low self-esteem. To help combat your inner critic, look for evidence to support or deny the things that it is saying to you. Find opportunities to compliment, congratulate, and reward yourself, even for your smallest accomplishments. 


Do Something Every Day That Scares You


The best way for you to overcome fear is to face it head-on. Getting out of your comfort zone and facing your fears will help you to gain more confidence. By doing something that scares you every day, you'll start to gain confidence from those experiences and will quickly experience a boost in your self-confidence.


Visualize Yourself as You Want to Be


Visualization is a powerful technique that requires you to see a picture of yourself that you are proud of, in your mind. When struggling with low self-esteem, we often have a poor perception of ourselves that tends to be inaccurate. Practice visualizing a beautiful version of yourself achieving your goals, to help you boost your confidence.


Set Realistic Goals


Setting unrealistic goals that are difficult to achieve will only cause you to become discouraged about your abilities. Start by setting small goals for yourself that you can reach quickly. Once you've achieved some success, you can move on to harder goals.


Affirm Yourself


The trick to making lasting changes it to shift the way you view yourself. We tend to believe what we tell ourselves, so repeating positive affirmations daily will help to boost your self-confidence. To get your mind to accept the positive affirmations quickly, phrase them as a question. Our brains are wired to seek answers to a question, without analyzing if the question is valid.


Every day we are bombarded with numerous elements that can threaten our self-confidence, with these tips you can start to take charge of building yourself up and boosting your self-confidence.


How to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

Everyone holds limiting beliefs, and whether you know it or not, the liming beliefs that you hold can actually limit your success and ability to live a full and happy life. Many of these limiting beliefs are formed in childhood and are based on what we've been told about ourselves and the world in general. If you find that there are specific areas in your life in which you aren't getting what you want, it may be because of your limiting beliefs. Here are three strategies to help you overcome your limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering beliefs.




The only way you can begin to overcome your limiting beliefs is to identify them. One way you can determine those beliefs that are holding you back is by journaling. You need to find time every day to sit down and write about your current situation. Then you need to think about how you got to this point in your life. Journaling will help you discover your limiting beliefs, which is the first step to overcoming them. 


Observe Others


A great way to overcome your negative beliefs is to observe the behavior of others. This can serve two purposes. First, it can help you uncover the ideas you have about yourself that you may not be aware you have. Noticing specific reactions and behaviors within ourselves can be hard. Secondly, when you watch others who are currently succeeding in an area of life that you're doing poorly in, you can start to uncover the beliefs that they hold that lead them to achieve success in that area of life. You can then begin to adopt these beliefs in your own life.


Be Your Own Mentor


Another technique you can use to overcome your limiting beliefs is to become your own mentor. Pretend that you are sitting across from your future self. Not only are the kind and wise, but they've achieved everything that you wanted in your life. Have a conversation with your future self and tell them about the areas in your life where you're currently having trouble. Ask them to help you uncover your limiting beliefs, discover how you formed your limiting beliefs, how to interpret the situation differently, and help you come up with a new set of beliefs.


The next time that you find yourself being held back because of your limiting beliefs continue to tell yourself that it's only in your head. Use the above strategies to overcome your limiting beliefs and live your best life.


How You Can Build Confidence Through Meditation

Confidence is a fantastic byproduct that comes from meditation, yet few people ever talk about it. Meditation can have a significant impact on your self-confidence when practiced daily. Real reflection means being able to let go of everything. Along with the many health benefits that you can gain from meditation, it can also stop the negative self-talk that can destroy your self-confidence. Meditation shows you that you don't have to listen to your inner voice, especially when it focuses on the negative. Follow these three steps to start building your confidence through meditation. 


Step 1: Learn How to Meditate


When you are first starting out, basic mindfulness meditation will be the best to practice because it is easy to do. Mindfulness meditation revolves focusing on the physical sensations of the present moment. The easiest way to accomplish this is by focusing on your breathing. Here are the steps you need to do to begin practicing. 


* Sit down in a chair or on the floor and maintain tall, erect posture.

* Set a five-minute timer on your phone.

* Begin by breathing through your nose. 

* Hold your breath to the count of four, then exhale. 


Focus on the cold air as it enters your nose with each inhalation. Notice how your belly rises with each breath. As you exhale, feel the warm air as it exits your nose and how your body begins to relax. If your attention starts to wander, refocus on your breathing on the next inhalation. 


Step 2: Build a Habit of Meditation


If you want to reap all the benefits of mediation, you have to do it more than once or twice. To keep your mind quiet and confident, you have to create a consistent practice of meditation. The most effective way to create a daily habit of reflection is to make it an essential part of your daily routine. You can do this by committing to practicing first thing in the morning, or right before you go to bed.


Step 3: Use Mindful Breathing


When you follow the first two steps, you'll begin to develop quiet confidence that will stay with you no matter what. However, there are always times when we'll start to feel anxious. When you begin to feel anxious and catch yourself getting lost in negative thoughts, stop what you are doing and focus on your breathing. Relax your body and decide to take action.


Practicing in regular meditation can help you banish negative self-talk and build your confidence up. The key is to learn how to practice simple meditation and turn it into a daily habit.