Showing posts with label Diseases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diseases. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 March 2022

About Anxiety

Anxiety may be specified as emotions which are commonly damaging in nature. It will frequently consist of dread and concern, and some individuals might even experience physical signs like nausea or chest pains. Anxiousness is a complex emotion, and is compiled of a number of different elements. A few of these elements are bodily or cognitive, and the body will organize itself to deal with an extraneous threat. The pulse quickens, and the blood pressure is increased. The assorted muscles in the body will likewise get high levels of blood. At the same time, the parts of the gastrointestinal system will decelerate. 


Individuals who have anxiousness will commonly have a sense of fear. A number of voluntary and nonvoluntary processes will come about in the body, and the goal of these procedures is to get the individual away from the source that's causing it to have anxiousness. Anxiousness is a crucial emotion, and is configured to increase the survival rate of beings. In individuals it seems that anxiety comes from the hippocampus and amygdaloidal nucleus, 2 areas of the brain. When an individual senses foul odors or tastes, there will be a big amount of blood flow which will be present in the amygdala. The evidence likewise demonstrates that medium levels of anxiousness will be present in this state of affairs as well.


Based on these reports, it seems that anxiousness is designed to keep mankind and other organisms from consuming food or objects that might be adverse to their welfare. While anxiousness is normal, an individual that has undue amounts of it might have what is called an anxiety disorder. In extreme examples, individuals with anxiety disorders might have strong cases where they're terrified. 


When an individual suffers from a panic disorder, they'll have extreme panic attacks, and might have lightheadedness or breathing issues. These attacks will commonly reach their height in about ten minutes. Anxiety reactions are common, and affect a big part of the population. It's prevalent in both men and woman, and is characterized by long periods of time of anxiety that are not related to any particular object or state of affairs. With the obsessive-compulsive disorder, the person with have a fixation or compulsion when it comes to particular sorts of behavior. Individuals who suffer from this trouble will see the need to do something compulsively in order to cut down their anxiety.


A lot of individuals who have this disorder want to be exceedingly clean, and are afraid of germs. To cut down their anxiety, they'll wash their hands many times in one day. There are 2 basic techniques that are used to help those who are enduring anxiety, and this is either therapy or prescription drugs.


Some Ways to Not Be Blue

Depression may issue forth at any time of the year. Occasionally, holidays are the riskiest times for those that feel this down-in-the-dumps, dread and concern and matters just appear to happen to make us feel blue and sad. Note that this feeling occurs to all of us at one time or some other. How to make out the feeling and understand what to do about it is the aim of this material. 


No one may or ought to disregard this feeling. It's universal and the blues are really deep-seated in our world. Music and films are fabled in covering this issue. If the feeling is too overpowering, then occasionally professional help is the trusted action. We'll just speak here about the blue funk of depression, the gnarled thinking that nothing is correct and it will only get worse. The accompanying things are indicated to help: 


Expressing joy is the best medicine is an old proverb, but so true up. It's astonishing how when you're depressed, just expressing joy about something and relinquishing the stress, may make you feel better. If you're having trouble discovering something to express joy about, perhaps you can discover some individuals to keep close that cheer you up, that you are able to call when you feel sorry. Invite a couple of good friends over just to talk and discover how much better you feel subsequently. 


Listening to music is a different key to defeating depression. If you are able to simply relax and let the sort of music you love drift over you and enter your sensations, you'll find that you chill out and feel better. 


Do some work and you'll find you feel less blue. There's something about a fresh bathroom, front room, or kitchen that provides most women a feeling of pride and order and delight. Men occasionally like doing some of the same work and experiencing the same mental attitude. The point is you simply want to get out and do something that moves your body. 


Why not attempt prayer when you feel blue? Try helping out somebody less fortunate. Consider hospital patients and understand that they most likely have things sorrier than you. You see happier youngsters and grownups in some of the worst settings in the hospital. Tally your blessings. Hug somebody or perhaps view a few old pictures of happy times with your loved ones. 


Naturally, all the hints given above might not apply to everybody. But give them a try and who knows... Perhaps they may help just a bit. 


What Is Your Depression Saying?

Have you taken more than one antidepressant drug but are still experiencing depression? Are you tormented that your depression keeps returning? You're not unaccompanied in this feeling. A lot of individuals are first told that they have depressive disorder or anxiety when, as a matter of fact, they really have another medical condition. Of these individuals, one in 2 will first be told they experience depression, one in 4 will be told they experience anxiety.


How come your depression keeps returning?

There is a list of reasons why symptoms of depression might endure in spite of taking medicine. Among these reasons might be because patients don't always think to tell their physicians about all the symptoms they're feeling. For instance, patients might talk to their physicians when they feel blue or depressed and are seeking relief. They might not discuss the times when they've felt truly great or energetic. As a matter of fact, patients frequently consider these times as their "great times" or "normal times." This is crucial info that may help your doctor make a right diagnosis and supply treatment that might help you feel better. 


Acquiring a correct diagnosis is the opening move to discovering a treatment that's correct for you. Bipolar depression is a sort of depression that calls for another sort of treatment. If you've questions about bipolar depression, make sure to speak with your physician. A lot of treatments, including some new medicines, along with support from your physician, may help individuals manage their symptoms over time. 


Bipolar depression is a single part of bipolar disorder, a chronic- However treatable-illness. Sufferers commonly have sequences of depression ("lows") and sequences of expanded energy, racing thoughts or anxiousness ("highs"). Untreated bipolar depression may impact an individual's power to function at work, take part in social activities and sustain relationships. Acquiring a precise diagnosis and the right treatment may help patients with bipolar depression handle their symptoms and lead rich lives.


About Childhood Depression

Like grownups, youngsters may suffer from depression. It’s not rare and since youngsters really are the purest of humans, it may be safe to state if a youngster is depressed-and they really tell you that-it’s a quite serious problem.


Among the basic misconceptions about childhood depression is:” what do youngsters have to be blue about?” Maybe this reveals a couple of misunderstandings about childhood depression and what it is. It's indeed rather similar to clinical depression-borrowing from medical language and isn't just blue moods resulting from a youngster being ‘depressed’ cause they've just been punished or have been told they can’t get something. No, childhood depression is to a greater extent intrusive into the youngsters very existence might be long-lasting and if not attended dangerous. 


Maybe another misconception might have to do with us believing, being a youngster is an unworried, trouble free stage of human life. Not inevitably, with peer acceptance, school and loved one’s expectations, it's enough to make a youngster fret and could be a big factor to be considered in reference to dealing with an instance of childhood depression.


What To Look For:


1. Departure of concern in hobbies and activities

2. Sharp alteration in appetite

3. Alteration in rest patterns (either increase or decrease). 

4. Trouble concentrating. 

5. Making devaluing statements like “I’m not good enough; I’m a stupid person…”

6. Relentless sorrow.

7. Repeating thoughts of self-destruction

8. Inordinate clinging or withdrawal


If you observe any of these in your youngster’s behavior it might be time to look for help. But, bear in mind, the opening move might be a good candid talk with your youngster.


Devote 30 minutes or more a day for outdoor recreation for yourself and your loved ones. Visits to the zoo, dynamic play, and swimming tend to alleviate stress produced in the home, school, and work and this might go a long way in helping in curing childhood depression in the household. 


Make attempts yourself to be upbeat as much as conceivable as youngsters do mimic what their parents perpetually do.


Lastly, if you're of a spiritual inclination, try prayer power and acquaint your child with it. I believe a youngster connected to the higher power is one sure way of precluding childhood depression. 


Raising children or being a role model to a youngster is a duty that might be tasking at times, even more when dealing with a depressed youngster. All the same with the hints given, if tackled decently, childhood depression need not be a matter your youngster has to go through.


Sunday 20 March 2022

Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Mental Health

Alcohol abuse is overrated, while drug abuse is underrated. The DSM manual suggests that substance abuse there are differences in the definition of drug and alcohol use. To confuse matters, the law has its own version of who is an alcoholic or drug addict. Some of the symptoms that help professionals determine if alcohol and drugs are a problem include, excessive drinking/drugging, problems with the law, withdrawal symptoms, shaking of the hands, and so forth. If a person drinks every day of the week and relies on alcohol, then you are probably dealing with an alcoholic. There are philosophers who claim if a person needs a drink at breakfast, that he or she is an alcohol. Some philosophers claim that if you drink more than six-pack weeks then you are an alcoholic. 


The fact is, most of the people nagging or evaluating alcohol and drugs has a problem them self or has gotten help someone in their lifetime to treat their own problems. Therefore, as you can see addictions, dependant alcoholics, and other types of alcoholics and drug addicts may alter. 


First all, any chemical that causes harm is a potential danger to your being. In other words if you start out drinking when you are fourteen and continue through your lifetime without alcohol causing you trouble, or else landing you a spot in jail, then you are probably not an alcoholic according to few. The fact is the ones that are drinking and driving and getting caught are alcoholics according to the system although the level of alcohol in the blood plays a role in the determination. 


The truth is the law sometimes over dramatizes and the system is out to make all the money they can, so we all might be alcoholics by the time they are done with us. 


Alcoholism and drug addictions are complex, in the sense there are too many misconstrued inputs and often the label is placed on individuals according to culture and history. If you parents drank alcohol then the system sometimes will claim you as an alcoholic. 


The fact is, Jesus drank wine in moderation, so drinking in moderation is not a bad thing. The problem becomes a problem when the person has difficulty putting down the bottle and/or increases their intake as well as combining drugs with the alcohol to get an affect they was had. If someone will steal or lie to get alcohol or drugs then you know they have a real problem. 


However, most alcoholics and drug addicts have bigger problems than addictions and this is often ignored. For example, people with mental illnesses often resort to alcohol and/or drugs to find relief of their symptoms. Now if a professional is treating this person for his or her diagnose and progress is moving along the person often feels healthy and the alcohol and drugs are out the door. 


In my studies and opinions, I disagree with alcoholism and drug addictions if the person is able to stop once the mental illness is treated. This means that the person was suffering and the substances was a mechanism to help them cope. 


On the other hand, if the person is treated for mental illnesses and his or her drug and alcohol habits continue, then I think you had better get out the chair and start talking ‘one day at a time.’ Alcohol was once known as the “Devils Drink.” The White men are the originator of the source, and since its beginning it has caused serious complications, including death, abuse, and other related crimes. Drugs are optional since the system often makes them available by teaching individuals what the drugs contain. 


The root of all-evil is money, and if a person sees that he or she can gain, they may take advantage, but fall into a snare in between. The system is overwrought, since they put alcoholics and drugs addicts in jail and not seeking help for them. The solution to humankind’s problem is helping and not hurting or promoting. If we can’t get along now, what makes you think you are going to heaven? 


Avoidant Disorders in Mental Health

Yes, there is a diagnosis titled Avoidant Personality Disorder. This type of personality will often avoid public, since they fear that the people will reject them, disappoint them, humiliate them, or view them as a complete failure. They often are reluctant to ask for help, ask questions, or speak in public. They also work below their abilities since promotions are often frightening for them. Most times, they suffer inferiority complexes, and suffer severe episodes of loneliness, depression, anxiety attacks, and so forth. 


Schizoid personality types are similar, in the sense, they will avoid public, and however avoidant personality types do not have a need to socialize. We are discussing this disorder simply because I have to question the idea of this disorder in the first place. 


After studying an individual with multiple personality disorder (MPD), and noticing that the individual displayed avoidant behaviors in certain areas of the persons personality, I noticed that the person was not frightened of social, rather abused and neglect by the father and by the system. The person was raised by a paranoid schizophrenia that taught her or punished her when she would go in the public, or else visit another home. When the person was able to befriend others, the father, moving to another area, instantly swept her away. The young woman was different in the sense she had multiple personalities, so it was easier to fix the problem by integrating the personality that suffered the symptoms of avoidant. After Integration I noticed a tremendous change, in that the person enjoyed being around people to a degree. 


However, this woman was intelligent and wise to the system that she set boundaries in social engagements. This is only one individual with over 70 personalities, so it made me wonder if avoidant personality disorder was proper in some cases. I have to reason that people with avoidant personality types may have a foundation that is not explored to the degree that it should be explored. 


The system alone and how others treat others sometimes is enough to make anyone want to avoid public. It is important to examine all aspects of the symptoms before coming to the conclusion that the person has avoidant personality disorder. Most all (rather all) individuals with a mental disorder or illness has an underlying root which in all cases is FEAR. Once an expert works through those fears dealing with one at a time moving onto the next fear, then mental illnesses is only a state of mind. It is possible to treat mentally ill, disorders with therapy alone, and is more effective if the techniques used are appropriate to the diagnose and worked properly. 


Not everyone with a mental illness needs medications. Paranoid Schizophrenics, Bipolar, and a few other disorders or mental illnesses in my experience needed medication. Paranoid Schizophrenias definitely should be medicated. If you do not medicate a Paranoid Schizophrenic, you are only asking for trouble. These types will kill out of their own state of mind, simply because they believe someone is trying to hurt them, when in reality they are not. Not all schizophrenics kill, but there are known cases, including the Oklahoma Bomber that has killed. 


Avoidant personality disorders are easy to undo without medications, simply because the root of their symptoms is fear. We can start therapeutic treatment by working with the deepest fear the person displays. Talk therapy, role-play, and a few other therapeutic strategies could do wonders for people with avoidant personality disorders. It is important to listen to these types, since the problem lies beneath the voices that speak. 


When a person is telling you that he or she has a problem with socialization, we know that underneath those words is a fear that was cultivated by an incident/accident at childhood. We know that this person had endured some underdevelopment and lacks education and knowledge of the so-called normal ways. This person if taught or relearned the rules and regulations of society can in time socialize without problems. If we work through the problems without burying them with medications, we are most likely going to have fewer problems.

Cognitive Mental Health Disorders

Therapists around the globe are constantly searching for answers that help them understand mental illnesses. Cognitive disorders including, dementia, delirium, alcohol-induced disorders, and other related disorders are under constant studies. 


Most cognitive disorders listed in this article have classic denominators, including loss of memory. Most of the diagnoses are linked to disease of the brain or biological disease, or else alcoholism and related chemicals. 


Often people with cognitive disorders have difficulty with speech, including relating with others, and reasoning. Their judgment is often affected, and their ability to recognize is often comprehended differently than the normal mind. Often the patients suffer depression, irritation, paranoia, and other related symptoms that could easily be misdiagnosed, since bipolar has similar characteristic symptoms. Delirium includes symptoms that target the awareness, signals confusion, effects speech, loss of memory, imposes fear, stems depression, and many other symptoms that affect the patient. Physical symptoms also insult the patient. Increased heart rate, disturbance in sleep, nausea, and many other physical symptoms make it difficult for the patient to find comfort. 


Recent studies have shown however that medications can increase symptoms in the disorder, including strokes, heart attacks, imbalances and so forth. Dementia is a type of Alzheimer disease that causes the patient to lose memory, learning inabilities, language impairments, and so forth. AIDS, strokes, heart failures, and other chronic problems may cause a person to suffer dementia. People that suffer dementia may personal hygiene incapacities, poor judgment, avoidance, personality altering, and so forth. The diagnoses can be misconstrued for several disorders, including major depressive. 


It is important to avoid alcohol if you are suffering with any symptoms of mental illness. Alcohol only increases the symptoms interruptions and causes more harm to the patient. Many mentally ill patients will resort to alcohol and/or drugs to find a source of relief from their suffering. This is not the solution and should be avoided at all cost. Alcohol-induced disorders are classified in cognitive disorders simply because the symptoms are related, and many of the diagnoses are a direct result of substances in many cases. This is not true of all mentally ill patients. Therapists have treated many patients that have never touched alcohol or drugs. 


Although many counselors will try to find this as an excuse to eliminate the worst-case scenario. Alcohol induced disorders are also known as ‘Korsakoff’s Syndrome,” which affects the memory directly. Symptoms often include memory loss, denial, indifferences, sometimes-violent behaviors, and so forth. Most alcoholic or drug patients are direct link nutritional deficiencies, which often include B-Complex. It is often difficult to treat alcoholism, however it is possible. It takes the person to will their self free of the substances, acceptance is the beginning of recovery. 


Many patients that are alcoholics or addicts sometimes treated with medications for physical impairments. I have acknowledged obsessive medicinal deliveries, and often the medicines that are provided to the patient with trigger the alcoholism symptoms. High dosage of B-Complex is often given to patients in extensive outpatient/inpatient therapy where alcohol and drugs are the problem. If the patient is at an early stage then it is possible to treat the patient affectively. 


Nowadays, alcoholism is affecting children, and it is time that we take a step to stop the increase of alcoholism and drug addictions, before it is too late. Therapists are constantly searching for a way to resolve the many mental illnesses today. As they study, they are finding that more problems are out there and it only slows them down, since when they find new discoveries they focus on this problem, pushing the other diagnoses to the back momentarily or else linking them together. 


Mental illness whether it be alcoholism or other diagnoses is not a game. There are millions of people around the globe suffering every day and are rarely receiving the care they deserve. We all people and all of us deserve care, including (if not more so) those with mental illnesses. In the next article, we are going to discuss more severe disorders, including antisocial behaviors, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, schizoid, schizotypal, and so forth. I think it is important that we all have a basic knowledge of the many diagnoses in the world. Having a basic knowledge can help us to cope or help someone that is suffering mental illnesses. 


Education and Mental Health

When a person is suffering from mental health issues, then the best source of support and help is found in the educational system. Many people that suffer from mental illness are often in the stone ages and do not realize what is available to them. They were often misinformed while growing up, and since education is always advancing and changing, it is helpful to know what is going on. 


Of course, if you have a mental illness you will need to see a therapist. However if you are learning this increases your chances of finding hope and avoid being misinformed by someone that is not qualified, or under qualified. Professionals around the world are constantly searching for answers to the many problems we face today in mental health. The problem is everyone has an answer and most times no one agrees. They may find an answer to the problem, turn around, and slaughter by analyzing the source to death. Then we have another problem, simply because we have dozens of diagnosis, including schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, trauma, a variety of disorders and so forth. The different diagnoses are diseases of the mind, disorders of the mind, and or chemical and biological interruptions. 


To get help we must know what we are dealing with, rather than trusting in others to tell us what is wrong. If we seek out information regarding mental health we might even find an answer to our own problem. We can then inform the professional and assist them with finding a solution to the many problems we face. Mental health is complicated simply because we are dealing with the mind. The mind is tricky and leaves us know room for playing around with illness. 


Counseling is nothing more than a common sense strategy laced with education. The professionals are learning constantly new understandings while applying them to the older versions. Somewhere in the middle is an answer and it is often overlooked when a professional will treat several patients during a week and sometimes try to treat each person the same if they have the same diagnose. This is a problem area since are all different in our way, including people with mental illnesses. 


For example, a counselor may treat two individuals both with schizophrenia. The counselor may use the same tactics with both patients and medications for treating the patient. One patient may find results and the other patient may complain that the treatment is not working. Why is this happening? Well, it is obvious that one patient may have a different level of schizophrenia, and a different background. Some medications work well with one patient while it may not work at all or work minimal with other patients. The solution then is reevaluating the problem and going over the steps taking to treat the patient and modifying them according to the patient’s needs. It is important to recognize a problem to find a method suitable for treating the problem. It is also important to reconcile with the source within. Meaning if a patient has guilt it is probably because he or she did something that may or may have not been wrong. 


For example, if a parent taught the child that visiting their friends is wrong (Schizophrenias will often discourage a child from going to other people’s home due to the paranoid) and the patient (behind the parents back) went to visit a friend. The patient obviously needs to recognize that he or she did nothing wrong, rather he or she needs to reconcile with self. In this case, the patient will also need to be re-taught to learn right and wrong. The patient needs to find a resolve. After you have helped the patient overcome this option, it is best to re-teach with material rather than words. 


Simply put, if the patient has a varied of resources to choose from he or she has the ability to come to their own understanding of what is right or what is wrong. Education is essential for reproving, reforming and instructing a person to the right course in life. Words are also important, since if you do not understand what is said, it is often because of lack of education. 


Saturday 19 March 2022

Anger Affecting the Body

Anger affects our body in many ways. When we are angry we often feel stressful, betrayed, hurt, our body is tense and our stomach is in knots. When we feel this way, the world seems to tumble around us and our best friend has packed up and left us behind. The loneliness creeps in and often we feel that the whole world is an illusion and everyone is out of his or her minds. 


There are times we want to run and hide and there are times we simply want to find the source that caused our hurt and beat them to a bloody pulp. We know we cannot do this since it is illegal and it does not help our problems. 


Rather when we blow up fusing our anger on someone else, we are only adding heartache to heartache. Sometimes we all fail to see that there is a solution to many problems, but when we use up our last resources and nothing is left then where do we turn? How do we find our way out? If you are feeling like there is nothing left in the world for you and that, you have run out of answers to the many questions then you are not alone.


One effective way to look at your situation is to know that someone else is suffering worse than you are. Forcing your mind to remain positive can help when times are tough to deal with. When you have been betrayed, robbed, manipulated, lied to, hurt and you feel that the person is getting away with something. 


Remember, the bad people always pay a higher price than what they induce on the victim. It may take some time, but you will see in the end that the bad person will pay a high price for his or her behavior. 


If you have been victimized, rather than venting your anger in a negative light, trying using your intellect and resources to enforce that the source is paying for the crime committed against you. If you are merely struggling from common problems then remember sufficient for each day and take it one day at a time. 


Try to find some humor in your situation. Laughter is always a source for relieving anger. When you feel your stomach knot, try to focus on something positive and go do your chores. Anytime we burn energy, we are burning emotions that are the root of anger. If you enjoy writing, sit down and write an article, book, story, or a simple journal. Write down your feelings, how you view the world, and the people in the world. 


Try to find a way to put some humor between the lines so that you can laugh when you look back at what you wrote. If your body is tense go for a walk and try to admire the beautiful scenery that God provided us. Remember when you are walking that something good comes from bad. This may not make sense, but if you look back at your many problems and how you dealt with them, you will see a series of good fortunes that came your way. 


We can all make more of a situation than what really exists and we all need to stay focused to survive the game of life. If you feel that you are centered out for punishment, then think of the men in war, the children in abused homes, or the wives that are tortured by their own spouse. Now look at your situation again. Are you homeless? Do you have a roof over your head? Do you have food in your kitchen? Do you have your bills paid? If this is true then why are you mad? 


Anytime we are angered, our body is affected and this causes harm to our health. Is anything worth destroying your self-being, including your body and mind? Is anything worth losing your respect? If you are angry, think before you act, because impulsive behavior leads to problems that are more complicated. When you feel like the world is tumbling down, pick up your torture stake and walk another mile. 


Anger Control

It is often difficulty to maintain control of your impulses when others around us make us mad. It is even more difficult when the prices in the economy increases every year, and the legal and political system is constantly putting more demands on us every day. 


Most of us deal with the stressors in life as they come our way, but some of us get out of control. Management is often the solution for treating anger; however, the person must be willing to admit their actions are causing more problems. When a person acts out violently, verbally abusive, assault and so on it not only causes problem for the person out of control, it also causes problems for others. 


Often when a person has anger issues he or she will attack others whether physically or mentally. The angered person will often attack in a way that belittles, humiliates, harms, or threatens another life. This person will need to learn to control his or her anger, since everyone around him or her is in a degree of danger, and sometimes more danger than others. 


Anger is the inability to restrain the impulses, desires and emotions. When a person is out of contact with his emotions, it often creates a chaotic mind. When a person is threatened, it is always good to have a degree of anger to protect. 


However when a person does not have control then it can lead to trouble. Anger, sadness, joy and happy are all parts of our emotions, and when we have those emotions in control we often live a productive life. However, when we seem to a target of attack then it is more difficult for us to manage our life and anger. 


For example, some children go to school and each day a bully will antagonize this child pushing him beyond his or her control. The child may hold his feelings in for a period, but eventually he or she is going to lose control, since none of us is willing to continue allowing someone to make our lives miserable. 


Unfortunately, when this child reaches his or her limits and returns the attack on the child, he then becomes the culprit and is often punished. The bully too many times gets away with his behavior, and once the victim takes action he or she is often punished. The school personnel will often say why didn’t you tell me what was going on? However, the fact is the child most likely told the personnel and in my experiences, they rarely act. Now we have two children with anger problems and more people in trouble. This is only one of the many reasons why a person cultivates anger to a degree of explosion. 


Each time we are angry we feel it in our body and mind. Our body will often tense when we feel angry. If you feel this tension then it is time to step back and take control. Why am I mad? Why do I feel this way? Asking yourself questions can help you find the answers if you search your mind hard enough. 


Usually after a person has developed a level of anger that is out of control, they will often strike out at persons even if there is no justifiable cause. The person could have moved something that belonged to that person and they will react by saying something like you stupid moron, why in the hell did you move my belongings? I cannot believe how stupid you are. Why do you bother breathing? This is only a few examples of a verbal attack issued by an angered person. The person may attack physically by kicking, hitting, punching, spitting, or causing other types of harm to the person. 


It is important to get management in play if you have anger problems. If you cannot control your emotions then one day, someone will control them for you. Anger is good if you have it under control, but when you lose control someone, someday will pay and that someone in many cases will be you as well as the trail of victims behind you. 


Anger Coping Techniques

Coping with anger is essential, since when we explode in uproars we are only causing more problems. Anger develops throughout the years, while we grow to adults. We may have lived in a normal environment, but our parents may have dramatized some of the natural growing processes while we were children. When this happens, it affects our developing process and we may grow up lacking coping skills. 


One example can be seen when a child is frequently punished as a child and rarely complimented for his or her behaviors. The parents were probably not aware of the damage they were causing, since the child will probably grow up punishing his or her self each time a mistake is made. Most mistakes have no lasting effect on our lives, unless it is something serious. 


Therefore, instead of beating yourself up review your mistakes and learn from them. If you practice positive thinking you will fare better when your emotions are threatened, which means you will have control over your anger. 


One great way to look at anger is that it is a positive force, however when it is utilized inappropriately then it is a negative force. Either we allow our anger to control us, or we control our anger. Control is what matters to everyone, since if we do not have control then we are frustrated easy. 


One great coping strategy is learning self-talk. Take 15 minutes out of each day to review your thoughts and talk them over with yourself. If you have a series of negative thoughts, such as I am a failure. Then you want to ask yourself why you are a failure. Review all the good things you do each day and commend yourself and when you see your mistakes remember everyone makes mistakes and there are probably no consequences to the mistake you made. 


If you get angry easy and break things, or yell and scream think of the consequences when you are reviewing your day. If you break things then you made a mess and it needs to be cleaned up. This means you have to work an extra few minutes during the day to clean up your mess. You resolved nothing and the item you broke if of valuable would cost you when you replace it. This means you wasted time, energy and money. If you yell or scream when you are angry then you are upsetting your heart, nerves, mind, and body. This means that in the end you may have long-term medical conditions. Now you can look at positive anger. If you take a few short breaths, you might find that your anger is unjustifiable. 


On the other hand, if there is justifiable cause for your anger you might want to slow down think for a few minutes and find a way to stress your emotions without interrupting your body, mind and health. If you think about a person that throws honey instead of fuelling the fire often gets further than those that blow up out of anger. If you are obsessively running through each day without slowing down then you need a coping strategy to help you deal with the stress. It is important to set a schedule in motion for yourself so that you find time for you. When you pamper you then you are taking a step to coping with your anger. 


When you have, many tasks set up during a day then make a list of what needs done first. Do not procrastinate; rather handle one task at a time. When you finish a task, it is often smoother when handling other tasks. 


It is important to remember that you are a human being and that you are not a superman or woman. Another great strategy is remembered that nothing is permanent. If you set yourself up for failure most likely, you will fail. If you believe something will happen and later find that it did not then you set yourself of for stress. Taking it one day at a time is often the best solution and repeating this over in your mind daily can help you cope with your anger. 

Anger in Review

When we review the source of our anger, it often helps us to see the answers we missed when our emotions had control. Emotions are our makeup and they control our anger, sadness, joy and all other aspects of our thinking if we let it. If you are having difficulty managing your emotions, you most likely suffer anxiety, depression and become uncontrollable when your anger bursts. 


The best solution then is writing down your emotions and thoughts on paper and search for the triggers that interrupted your emotions. For example, I was involved in an incident that caused my mind’s image to break off into fragments. I am unable to review the entire episode that created the chaos in my head. The incident caused my nerves to shatter, which led to anxiety attacks and periodical depression episodes. I cannot cope with everyday life and I often try to avoid people to minimize the conflict in my life. I have flashbacks on occasions that upset my nerves and emotions and when someone triggers me, I want to strike out and hurt them as they have hurt me. 


We are dealing with posttraumatic stress disorder in this experience; therefore, we need a coping strategy that works best for us. We see that the anger is going to get the best of the individual if he or she does not find a way to control the emotions that causes an uproar leading to anger outbursts. 


First, this person cannot stand to be around loud noises so staying away from crowds is best for now. Finding a safe haven in your home and a quite environment often works best to prevent anger and stress outbreaks. You might want to take Ginkoba for alertness to help enhance your mind. You might even want to visit a mental health expert and ask for a prescription that helps deal with posttraumatic stress disorders. Trazadone is great for relieving nightmares and night sweats, which are symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. Vitamin C and Vitamin B-Complex are also great to enhance the mind and help a person cope with stress. If you have difficulty focusing, which is another symptom included in the diagnose then you might want to focus on smaller tasks and move ahead to bigger tasks when you are ready. 


Learn to relax. Taking deep breaths before your emotions erupt is often good for dealing with anger. Yoga and exercise are great for helping the body and mind to relax. If you struggle with emotions its best to find out what works best for you and practice each day relaxing approaches to healing. It is important to pamper yourself and avoid stress and stressors as much as possible. Remember you are at a greater risk of anger explosion more so than the common people in society are. The diagnose formally known as ‘war shock’ will take you boldly where no one will ever go. It is important to learn the symptoms and find a way to deal with it accordingly. Learning is growing and when your mind grows, it is developing a great survival strategy. Remember when you are overly stressed your body is affected gravely. Your diagnose puts you at a deeper risk, since anxiety and stress levels of posttraumatic stress disorder opens the door to heart attacks and strokes. Eventually you will need to face the trauma that put you in this state of mind. 


Therefore, I highly recommend that you write every day. Role-playing is also great for these diagnoses and will reduce anger and emotions. Sit down in a comfortable area and pretend someone in the chair across from you loves you. The person has your best interest at heart. Now begin telling your imaginary friend the problems you are dealing with and what you are feeling inside. If you are feeling angry, tell the person how you feel and why you are feeling this way if possible. If you need to punch something soft, so you will not get hurt. 


Finally, vent all your energy and anger by vocalizing to your imaginary friend and when you finish review your scene carefully. Put the anger in review and take charge of your position when you see that your anger is not out of your reach. 


Conquering Anger

When you are conquering anger, you are taking control of your life. We all lose control from time to time, but if anger is getting the best of you each time you are rejected, frightened, or interrupted emotional then there is obviously a problem existing. 


If you feel you have a problem controlling your anger you might need anger management therapy or mental health services. You might even visit your doctor to see if a medical condition is not contributing to your anger. It depends on the person, but in most instances, we all deal with distresses, stress, and aggravation most of our lives. It is learning how to deal with it that counts. 


Anger is an emotion than can cause us more trouble that what existed causing the problem in the first place. Self-control is often needed if two or more people are involved in a conflict. If more than one person is angered in this group then problems will occur if both parties are striking out at each other. 


Problems often get deeper when anger bursts occur. When anger is controlling our society, we will always have crimes, abuse, violence, health issues, heart attacks, mental illnesses, and so forth. As you can see, nothing good comes from uncontrolled anger. 


After careful study the statistics of angry emotions has concluded that all of us have the ability to kill, harm, injure, or sabotage another person’s life. When a person is angry is often a result of threatened emotions, such as hurt of our self-importance, rejections, difficult to deal with prospects, and antagonistic flight of the imaginations. 


Most of us are selfish and will often consider self rather than considering others first. When we do not get our way sometimes, we might blow a fuse and strike at the target that made us mad. Our actions often prove failure since it leads to more problems. If both parties are screaming at each other it often instils additional anger that builds up and remains there until the opportunity is available to blow another fuse. This goes on and on and nothing is resolved. 


Our countries have a higher divorce rate than ever and it is often because the couples could not come to a term of agreement. Now if one person out of each home is using their head in the heat of the moment then we have a hope. We can see in one example how anger got in the way and caused a major problem. A couple is off work for the day and the man is irritable and snaps as his wife. His wife loses her cool and shouts at the husband calling him a stupid jerk. She continues to scream at him telling him that he does not respect her and finally he loses his cool and joins in the screaming match. 


The two argue and scream at each other for short time and then the wife turns on her heels and storms in the bedroom slamming the door behind her. She yells through the door, by the way you are sleeping on the couch tonight jerk.


Now if the wife would have said honey you seem irritable is there something I can do to ease your mind. Is there a problem we can work through together? What do you think would happen if the tables were turned and the wife approached the husband lovingly and offering her support? The couple would be sleeping together in their bedroom enjoying a peaceful rest most likely. We can look at another example were the anger is a little more out of control. 


For example, what if the wife is menstruating and she is irritable and her husband is tired of her rejecting him. Now he approaches his wife and calls her a selfish witch. She shouts at him and tells him he is not respecting her feelings, and he then starts shouting back at the wife. The wife gets mad at her husband and slaps him across the face, punching and kicking him as her anger increases. 


Now we see we got a serious problem in front of us, and one or the other is leaving because they are tired of the other. Now if the couple would have took a deep breath and stayed away from the other it might have proved effective later. However, if the husband would have been supported to his wife’s emotions during her monthly cycle we would most likely had good results and a problem on top of the existing problem would not exist. Uncontrolled anger is selfish and it hurts others, therefore we must all learn how to manage our anger and emotions. 


Acupuncture and Weight Loss

There are a lot of people who are overweight. For those who are obese, perhaps surgery is the best option but for those who can’t, they can try to see if acupuncture can help take out the excess weight. 


Acupuncture is a form of holistic healthcare that uses needles to help treat a patient. Unlike the cartoon where the balloon will pop and all the air will go out, the needles that are inserted into the vital points will stimulate the body to release endorphins thus helping the person control their appetite. 


But before needles are inserted, the specialist will first ask the patient some questions and perform an examination. This is needed to understand the main cause for the person to be overweight. 


Part of examination is to help the acupuncturist figure out where the needles will be inserted. Your pulse will give the person an idea on your general state of energy and the general health of your stomach. 


You will also have to open your mouth and show your tongue to check for cracks, peelings or puffiness on the stomach area as this provides clues to why you are overweight. 


Once he or she knows the reason, this is the time that the needles are inserted into different parts of the body. One way is called the multi-targeted approach which is designed to lower the body’s weight by increasing the output of the pituitary gland.


The areas where the needles will be inserted will be in the ear and in two of three body points. These areas could also include the mouth, the stomach, the lung, the endocrine, the spleen, kidney or thyroid. 


During the initial treatment, the “Four Gate” points would be used to circulate energy throughout the entire body. It is also possible that electro simulation will also be done to increase endorphin release and stimulate metabolism. 


These needles will be kept in place for 30 to 45 minutes depending on how much support is needed. These are then removed and replaced with ear tacks with adhesives to make sure they are in the same spot as the needles. 


These ear tacks work by applying mild pressure whenever he or she feels hungry. It causes a mild endorphin release and helps the patient relax making it possible to use their willpower and resist the temptation to eat. 


The patient will also have to reduce cravings on certain food by cutting down the intake. Some studies suggest that this can also lower insulin levels or lipid levels in the blood. 


The best part about acupuncture is that there are no harmful side effects and no chance for an addiction to occur. The patient will have to come back for regular treatment and have to pay attention to one’s diet and exercise regularly as needles can only do so much to control one’s weight.


The number of treatments for someone who is overweight varies depending on how many pounds they want to lose, the speed at which they want to lose it and their commitment to sticking to the plan. 


The average patient on the other hand who wants to lose 5 to 10 pounds will have to come for treatment every three days or twice a week then once this is attained, once every two weeks. It is up to the person until when the treatment will be done which shows that acupuncture can help you lose weight.