Showing posts with label Metaphysics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Metaphysics. Show all posts

Sunday 13 March 2022

Different Forms Of Meditation

There are no special tricks to meditating; no special posture or breathing rhythm is required. Once you have gotten the knack of it you can meditate anywhere during any activity. Some readers have succeeded in reaching this altered state of conscious while reading about my sand meditation, perhaps you too may realize this transformational state of consciousness as you read on.


Sometimes meditation opens a door into the mysteries of creation. If we allow ourselves to pass through this door there is no telling what we may encounter on the other side. Do not become discouraged if you have tried to meditate in the past and not gotten any remarkable results. Meditation is a mystical process and it may take a while to learn how to quiet your mind and open yourself to all the present moment has to offer you. 


My meditation began while sitting on a beach. My hands were sandy. I rubbed my thumb and forefinger together feeling the grains of sand between them slipping away until only a single grain of sand remained.


I could feel the shape of the grain of sand distinctly as I rolled it back and forth between my thumb and forefinger. 


The longer I rolled the grain of sand about the more defined my awareness of the grain of sand became. The more detailed my experience of the grain of sand became the larger it appeared to be.


While I could clearly feel the tiny grain of sand trapped between my thumb and finger roll about across the grooves and ridges of my fingerprints the grain of sand appeared to be growing larger and larger as I contemplated it. 


The grain of sand continued to grow, encompassing the beach and then the world. Before long the grain of sand had grown to an infinite size and it now encompassed all of creation; yet I still held the tiny grain of sand between my thumb and forefinger, rolling it about across the grooves and ridges of my fingerprints.


The tiny grain of sand was intimately connected to every part of creation and all of creation existed within it, even as it existed within my grasp. I communed with the grain of sand, aware of its infinite connectedness to everything else; through the medium of the grain of sand I became aware of my own infinite connectedness with all of creation.


The sand spoke to me of eternity. It told me tales about creation and the infinite nature of our existence in creation. From the grain of sand, I learned that every tiniest part of creation is a living being experiencing creation and sharing in the process whereby creation makes everything manifest.


My meditation with a grain of sand always produced a feeling of intense bliss. It was an eternal meditation that transcended the time and place where it began to continue throughout all of creation. From time to time, I would return to this meditation, engrossed by the wisdom and experience of a single tiny grain of sand.

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Finding Relief With Meditation

I would like to take you beyond the limits of your customary thoughts and experiences. This new way of life begins with two questions that are very simple. The first question is would I want this to be true: "Every event that will befall me is absolutely the best possible event that could occur." Meditate before answering this so that you can think about it with a clear mind and answer it truthfully. The second question is the more difficult part, is to truthfully answer this question: Will I give that a chance to be true? 


Imagine using meditation that God has appeared before you this instant and said: "I promise you that everything that happens to you from this moment forward will be of the greatest benefit to you and will bring you the utmost good fortune," Suppose God went on to tell you, “Even though what happens will appear at times unfortunate or even hurtful, in the end your life will be wonderfully blessed and hugely benefited by whatever may happen to you. Stop and meditate. How would you feel about that wonderful news? Happy? Perhaps you may even be filled with joy.


Wouldn't it be the greatest news that you could ever hear? Wouldn't you heave a deep sigh of relief and feel as if a great burden had been lifted from your shoulders? Wouldn't you then respond to the next thing that happened-even if it was hurtful or took something from you or seemed bad or even unlucky-as though it was going to be wonderfully beneficial for you, the best possible thing that could have happened? If you have not enthusiastically answer yes, clear your mind, meditate on it. Perhaps you mistaken what I am talking to you about. 


I am not talking to you about the common phrase we commonly hear, "try to make the best of things," which basically means " The situation or event really is bad and terribly unlucky, but do what you can possibly think of or meditate to salvage some good out of it." Nor do I mean that within even the worst event possible, there can be found a tiny bit of good. I am not thinking in terms of such limited ideas. I am thinking in unlimited terms, where every event that befalls you is absolutely the best event that could occur-that there is no other event imaginable that could benefit you to any greater degree.


So, again, while you meditate ask yourself wouldn't that be the best piece of news you could hear? If you are willing to give this new concept a chance and actually believe that everything that happens to you will happen for a reason. When thinking about anything, to get a great deal of relief just clear your mind and meditate about the good things that are to come to you in the future. Meditation can be much better than medication and you might just be really surprised how much better you will begin feeling after practicing it for a while.


How Meditation Can Help You Stop Smoking

Is it true that meditation can help you quit smoking? Have you ever thought about it? Can we possibly do something that easy to make you stop smoking? Everything is possible. What I am going to tell you in this article is what I have found. What you can do to stop smoking.


Meditation has long been considered as one of the very few ways by which man could access himself without really having to accommodate the intervention of the logical mind. Meditation helps relieve the stress of everyday life and it helps the person rejuvenate his mind to function more effectively. Apart from these, meditation is also considered as a cure to some diseases and disorders, especially those that are infiltrated mostly by stresses. 


When people meditate you become more relaxed and clam about your everyday life. Some people smoke more when they are stressed. This is a proven fact. People often chain smoke because they are under stress. Your mind becomes weak from stress resulting to the deterioration of the body and the will to continue what was first a goal. So, there for when someone is constantly stressing and if you just take a second or however long you want, begin the process of meditation. 


We already know that the cost of smoking is very expensive. When you smoke more than one pack a day, the cost that you are spending is very high. You probably do not realize that within a year’s time you can probably spend almost half of your earnings on smoking. Just think what you could have done with that money if you found what could help you stop smoking. Meditation could be one of the methods that could help you stop smoking. 


Meditation to help quit the smoking habit acts in many different ways. The person from the pressure of temptations but on the other hand, the person will be rescued from the pressure of not being able to meet the goal. The former conceives the smoking cessation on a much brighter side since meditation could help drive the person with complete motivation to stay quit even when the mind calls for a last smoke. 


They say quitting smoking is one of the hardest habits to quit. You have to put your mind into it. If you do not have your mind set to something then it will not be a focus. Meditation can help you get that mind frame that you are looking for. You have to take many things in consideration when wanting to quit a bad habit. It is very stressful and sometimes you will not succeed on your first try, but do not give up. There are other ways out there.


If you find out that meditation is not the way for you, then there are many other options out there you can find. Contact your local doctor or research it online. There are over the counter medicines out there you can try. You just have to find out what works best for you.


Healing Your Past With Meditation

We all know it is not possible to roll back time or undo or change bad decisions we made in the past, however using meditation we can change the way we feel about the bad decisions we made in the past so that they will stop tormenting us here in the present. We all carry a lot of baggage from the past, such things as maybe a broken heart, hurt feelings, or bad memories of friends or loved ones that have lied, cheated, or betrayed us, events that may have brought us pain, or we may torment ourselves over opportunities we may have missed out on or even wrong choices we made in our lives.


We absolutely cannot allow ourselves to let things in the past we cannot change take over our present lives. Meditation is simply collecting our thoughts in a relaxing atmosphere. If you take the time to learn how to heal your past it will enable you to be happy in the present. You may ask how can you heal the past? You can look at past situations you cannot change in a brighter light with a new understanding on the events in the past have hurt you. When your by yourself in a quiet place start your meditation. 


Think about how whatever may have happened to you in the past may even be a benefit to you. You know how bad you felt when something or somebody said or did something to you that you felt that you had no purpose in life or was not good enough to associate with others. Meditating about how those things in the past made you feel helps you to understand how others who are now in the same situation you were in then feel about themselves.


You know how they feel so you maybe can tell them your experience back then and how you turned it around and made a life for yourself. So many of us just need someone to take the time to just say hello or nice day isn't it? Just a kind word to someone who has had a bad day can make all the difference in the world. My dear sweet mother told me all the time that you can kill more flies with honey. Meditation can make you feel so much more positive and give you a different outlook on life in general, it is something very positive you can do to help yourself. 


What she meant was if you have been around someone that wasn't pleasant or had a bad attitude don't act like that person does, instead just turn the other cheek and it may rub off on the person who has a bad attitude. Meditation could be the key to this happening. So, you see meditation can be used to turn bad situations into something good or even good situations into something great. Shining the light of the new understanding on those events that happened in the past will help you have a feeling of acceptance, peace, and happiness.


Changing Habits That Are Deeply Ingrained in the Subconscious

Ever trying changing a habit so desperately only to find out that something deep within is not willing? You have gone to counselors, the psychologists, spent money on self-help books and running to every sort of seminar that includes the self-help stuff only to find yourself at the same position you were in before? It is said that it is at this moment when the subconscious and the conscious are at logger heads and in most cases the subconscious wins. 


Our habits drive our lives, that is why it is important to bring the bad habits into our conscious awareness and replace them with the obstruct ones to be able to move forward. If you are not yet where you want to be or if you have not yet achieved what you have always desired for a long time then you ought to really examine your approaches to life.


I suggest you prepare a list of how you perceive things around you or your attitude toward life. Of course, you will have those that do not serve you well and you don’t have to beat yourself down because of it, after all you are human. All you have to do is eliminate them completely and replace them with their opposite ones. Say you think that you are looser and you cannot achieve anything in life or that life is way too hard whatever your perception is, your subconscious takes it in and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. 


So instead of saying that, think of the past achievements or think of how much you can achieve and conquer a lot and how easy life can get if only you apply the right skills. You may not believe it but I advise that you keep doing it, fake it till you make it. Keep repeating those words to yourself as much as possible and no matter how long it takes, you will enjoy its aftermath. 


This exercise requires some time, full time dedication and a burning desire to really do it and achieve your goals otherwise if you easily give up you will not go far. You should set time for some deep analysis of your habits and do more of meditation to help relax your mind. Keep the positive attributes coming until it becomes your new approach to life. Your mind will have a new command to steer you directly into your dreams.


Saturday 5 March 2022

Feng Shui for Your Kitchen

There are those people who do not know what Feng Shui is but in simpler terms it means wind and water. This is an art which originated from china and it is about the energy flow of life, how it influences our lives and all that is within us. The main feature about Feng Shui is that it is supposed to balance the energy. Feng Shui is made up of five main elements. These elements play a major role in life and in diverse ways. There are no negative elements and positive elements; it is only that they play their part in different ways. Every element however influences the other one in a different way. These elements are the common things around us and these are metal, wood, water, fire and last but not least earth. 


The Chinese strongly believe that these elements are the most vital ones of the earth and all that is in planet earth is combination of all these five elements. Each element has a color that it is associated with. The metal element is associated with white and aqua blue. Green and hunter green are related to the wood. Water is however connected to colors black and navy blue. The colors light purple and red are linked to fire. The last element which is earth is related to colors light brown and yellow. With these colors you will be able to know which element is preferable and suits your needs. 


Every room in your house need to be applied the Feng Shui art and one of the areas that we are going to look at is the kitchen. There are ten main tips that you could use to Feng Shui your kitchen and have harmony in it. When you apply this art you will experience not only harmony but also peace that surpasses all understanding and lots of prosperity at the center of your home. They might however seem negative but in the long run you will experience peace and harmony. You should also train yourself well so as to keep these tips. 


The first thing that you should not do is not avoid the kitchen as the first room to see when you enter the house. The location of your kitchen also matters a lot and so you should ensure that your kitchen is not below the lavatory or adjacent to the toilet. You should also ensure that your kitchen has a layer of lighting. This will make your kitchen well ventilated and large enough. It will also be clean, bright and with an environment that is conducive. Your kitchen should also be gadget free and simple. All the cabinets should be de-cluttered. Always have a vase of flowers or fruit bowl in your kitchen so as to up-lift energy. 


Feng Shui for Your Office

Feng Shui is one of the ancient traditional practices that have been assimilated into the modern life. Basically, it is a form of aesthetic material that is believed to bring together the laws of heaven and earth. Using it was believed to help one live positively. This spiritual meaning gave it a vital role to play in the community. Today, people have taken to using the same system to decorate various areas that they frequent with belief that it will result into a positive life. Offices are major areas that really draw out the course of our lives. This is because whatever happens in our offices influences the rest of our lives. Therefore, many use Feng Shui to create a friendly atmosphere in the office as well as bringing productivity into the office.


When using Feng Shui in any area, there are spots known as Bagua where this items should be used. Therefore, first spot these areas in your office. A copy of the Bagua can be downloaded from the internet. There are a total of 8 areas, though one must give more priority to the areas associated with wealth and fame. Energy flow is one vital aspect that should be in our offices. Feng Shui provides us with specific tips that we can use to adequately provide our offices with appropriate energy flow.


To start with, the desk should be in such a position that it will face the doorway. Alternatively, it will diagonally face the doorway. The aim here is to face the doorway and not letting you back face the door. On the other hand, if there is more than one desk, the arrangement should also change. Two of them should face the door in a diagonal manner while the rest should face the center of the office. 


The kind of classroom arrangement should not be used; no matter the number of desks. Find a way of avoiding the back to back arrangement. Secondly, make sure that the office opposite yours across the hall way is in proper alignment. If this is not the case, place a mirror in front of the offices, this way you can clearly see what is going on the other end. 


Walls should also be proper. Start by removing any kind of dulls artifacts on the mirror. This includes the likes of mirrors or portraits. Partitions should not be there but if a must, place a mirror on the partition. Finally, give the wall a sense of life by placing some plants on them. 


Feng Shui for Your Bedroom

Before we go far on talking about what Feng Shui entails let us first define what it is. Feng shui is the earliest Chinese aesthetic system which is comparable to an art form. This system was discovered so many years back and is mainly famous in the United States and also in china. It is all about traditional folklore. It also involves spiritual powers on Feng Shui. Most of its teaching is usually based on spiritual relationship between heaven and earth. This practice is mostly made up of a combination of Chinese and east Asian religion. And so, it tries very much to stabilize the two or show positive Qi. This is a term that is mostly used in martial arts and it is a force that is general in life and it is mostly believed by practitioners to move to everything. 


It is believed that there are two types of Qi. There is the positive one and the negative one. If you bring the positive one in your house, you are assured of success in everything that you do at your home. The chief in Feng Shui is the yin and yang which are opposite polar and they have to stay in perfect balance and agreement. You can apply the theme of Feng Shui in your room by aligning and placing items in balance. These items could include doors, windows and also rooms and homes. In the current situation this art is trying to balance our lives in our respective homes and not only items in our homes. 


It teaches us that when you remove some of the items from your sleeping rooms you are able to keep positive Qi. The things that you are supposed to remove from your room so as to raise a positive Qi are like removing computers, TVs and working out equipment from your room. When you do not do this, then you are prone to lose this positive Qi. Your bedroom is supposed to be a place for resting and with lots of harmony but when you add other things it ceases being a calm place for resting. Your room should also bring out a sense of energy and so you can ensure a flow of energy by using colors. This has been shown in color theory and psychology to bring about true benefits. 


Some colors like red, orange and also yellow have been discovered to bring confidence and acknowledgement in a room. Other colors such as green and brown show sustenance, medicinal and development. Many people apply this art of Feng Shui in their homes so that they get the power of positive Qi in their homes.

Monday 14 February 2022

The Law of Attraction and Your Life

The law of attraction in our lives has become the in thing. Everyone wants to apply this law in their everyday activity. Talking about law of attraction draws a lot of attention. This is because all of us have dreams and we would want these dreams to come true someday. Most of us want a very successful life with lots of achievements and happiness. We all want to have our desires true. Therefore, we can say that the law of attraction in our lives helps us to tune our minds and feelings to draw the lifestyle that we want and not vice versa. The way we are living now was or rather is dictated by our conscious and subconscious minds which are very vital parts. There are several steps that one can use to get the law of attraction.


The first thing that you should do is to describe the type of life that you want and be able to see it in your mind’s eye. When you want something, you should ask from the cosmos and you should also have an unambiguous picture in your mentality of what it is. Recognition of your dreams and requirements first begins with forming a mental image of whatever you want. You should be able to discover ways of visualizing and also train yourself on how to feel the passion and the approach that follows. To visualize is very important because you are able to involve both your conscious and your subconscious mind. This enables the manifestation of your desire. You should therefore start feeling your image as if it were already with you.


The other vital point in implementing law of attraction in your life is thinking positively. You should always be an optimist. Most of the times you will find that majority of failures have got that negative attitude within them thus stopping them from applying this law of attraction. Many are the times we do not have confidence in ourselves because we are insecure. We usually give up very easily. If you want to achieve the success that you want, then you must be positive. Always think that there are different ways to achieve something. Having a positive verification is the most important thing. 


You should also be thankful always and be willing to share whatever you have. This way you will be able to attract more. Always look at what you have and not what you do not have. Another thing that you need is focus. You need not only to focus your mind but also your brain and energy not forgetting your time. The last thing that you need to do is take action.

Thursday 3 February 2022

Discipline Is Important to Attain Spirituality

Discipline is the basis of the whole universe. The Earth, the Sun, the Moon and other planets, all are governed by a set of laws to maintain perfect harmony and beauty. There will be utter chaos without this order. Similarly, discipline is one basic requirement to lead a spiritual and civilized life. Every man has to set certain norms to maintain peace and order within his or her mind. 


The strength of a man lies in discipline. It helps him or her to make progress. A man who is of a disciplined nature work in spirit of cooperation with other people. However, discipline does not mean negation of personal liberty. It means a self-imposed discipline. 


The importance of discipline in educational institutions is well recognized. A school is such a place that helps children attain spiritualism through the sense of discipline. Some children have the ability to follow this and learn more out this, while others who cannot follow this goes to the category of individuals who cannot hear what their inner soul says. In other words, discipline makes you lead a more organized life, and only when you lead an organized life, you have no confusions in life. A confused person cannot hear what his spirit wants to say, even if he wants to learn the process of hearing it. 


Therefore, though discipline may not have direct relation with the attainment of spiritualism, but its indirect relation makes it very important in a person’s life. You will see that if you have disciplines in every sphere of life, you can get success in all the spheres of life. School, political, domestic, professional personal or be it any sphere of life, discipline is the most important thing to attain the level of spiritualism.


Discipline though difficult is essential for personal growth as a human being. It helps you to be spiritually inclined, taking you to far-off places. Absence of it can lead to failure, defeat and backwardness. Today in society, it is very important to live in harmony with fellow human beings in a spirit of cooperation and mutual co-existence. If you do attain the level of spiritualism through a sense of discipline, then you cannot exist among others. All this is possible only if every individual follows a personal code of ethics and the one laid by the law for the prosperity of the nation and the progress of the society.

Marks of Spiritual Enlightenment according to Frances Vaughan

Frances Vaughan is one of the most renowned authors in the world. In addition to this, she is also a psychologist and an educator in the county of Marin. As a matter of fact, she is a member of the Fetzer Institute. Currently, she stands as the trustee of the institute. Fetzer has written several books based on different topics. However, she has specialized in the transpersonal psychology field. She discusses the various elements of the inner and even speaks of various spiritual traditions practiced by members of different religions. Frances is even a writer in various periodical publications such as the Fetzer Institute Newsletter. 


One of the areas that Vaughan has really emphasized in is spirituality. In most of her writings, Frances emphasizes on the need to be spiritually enlightened stating that it highly contributes to the general growth of the whole you. In fact, she has even come up with a list of items that mark spiritual enlightenment in an individual. Basically, these are the marks through which one can identify the level of spiritual enlightenment. 


The first mark basically relies on how one presents him or herself. In this case, one should be having that spirit in him or her that helps them consider the rest as well as themselves. In Lehman’s language, this is what we call being considerate. Being aware of those around you plus their relationships and also self-awareness are the characteristics the presentation of a spiritually enlightened individual. 


Another mark of spiritual enlightenment is the emotional self. How do you relate to the rest emotionally? Do you tend to be judgmental? Are you easily angered? If the answer is yes, then you are not spiritually enlightened. For a spiritually enlightened individual, anger should be replaced with forgiveness and judgment replaced with compassion. Generally, one should have that empathetic identity in him or her. 


Finally, motivation is a key mark in spiritual enlightenment. This refers to the inner or spiritual motivation. There are various characteristics of an individual that is spiritual motivated. To start with, one is normally full of wisdom. There is not even the slightest sign of ignorance in the individual. Secondly, the individual tends to replace fear with love. This brings about a sense f inner peace no matter the situation he or she is in. Finally, the individual is completely. This is liberation from all the earthly bondages such as addictions. With these characteristics, then it is a guarantee that you are spiritually enlightened. 

Reading Is a Way to Attain Spiritualism

Reading is a very rewarding leisure time activity. It is to the mind what food is to the body. It is a blessing for modern educated man who feels crushed under the pressure of daily life. Books provide an excellent means of diversion from day-to-day tensions. There are books to suit every taste and temperament. The quantity and quality of reading material is so enormous that anybody who is fond of reading is likely to find something that interests him or her. 


There are books on all subjects. The variety and number of periodicals are equally amazing. Modern man who is hard pressed finds magazines and journals immensely useful. He often complains that there is no line to read a book. However, a magazine can be picked up and glanced through even if one has limited time. 


Great books are a constant source of strength and inspiration. The Bible, the Gita, the Ramayana, the Koran, etc., are books, which provide comfort and solace to a disturbed person. These are books, which have enriched human soul. Anybody who spends a few minutes a day to read any of these books will confess to the amount of peace and joy he has derived from them. Such books are perennial and contain the wisdom of wise men down the ages. 


A well-chosen book is certainly the best of companions. The person who derives pleasure from reading does not feel lonely and bored. He is quite content to be left alone with his favorite book and indulge in the luxury of enjoying it in solitude. A book lover considers book his best friend and is generally possessive of them. In fact, one can depend on a book as much as on a good friend. Reading is such a satisfying pastime that any person who has it as a hobby feels enriched and content. It stimulates the mind and nurtures the soul. This nurturing of the soul leads to spiritualism that is very important to attain in one’s life in order to achieve pure success. 


Reading in a way relaxes the mind out the tensions of your everyday life. However, books on murder or detective books do not help you to alleviate stress but books mentioned above can help immensely. Therefore, if you want to attain spiritualism, then read more and more inspirational books in solace and understand the hidden meaning and underlying truths of life written in them.

Understanding the Concept of Spiritual Enlightenment

Enlightenment is frequently misunderstood as a goal or a state of mind that you ought to reach to be completely spiritual. The impression of enlightenment is diverse and it offers great perceptions to our lives in terms of our spiritual paths. The very first enlightenment is about a higher awareness. This simply means having the knowledge that there is something higher and beyond the normal daily awareness. It is about recognizing that you are not just a physical being with the occasional spiritual experiences but you in fact have a human experience which will be very helpful in terms of being able to see past the ordinary daily hustles and bustles that burden people up. Through turning your thoughts to God, your thoughts automatically become aware of God’s presence.


The very second insight is being able to accept the world as it is and understanding it is the way it is because that’s just why it is that way. Enlightenment is described as the quiet acceptance of everything. When you get to know and understand that everything that happens is according to a divine law then you will be aware of the fact that things do not just randomly happen and that there are no mistakes. 


Humans tend to rely on perfection a lot, we like it when everything should turn out just perfect and when things don’t work out, we get mad and awfully curse. The truth is that beneath our low perceptions there is something much bigger that is working that is why the wise remain at peace despite of a great challenge that faces them. Maybe when things don’t seem to be working for you maybe there is something else that is working.


The very final one and the most crucial one is having the inner peace. It may have very little value in our culture but every time you are at peace, you are highly enlightened. With a sense of inner peace, you are truly happy and content with yourself. It is at this time when your mind is calm, you are connected to God. It is said with the inner peace, there is an inner connection with God. Inner havoc suffocates your spirit and is responsible for the wall around your consciousness that prevents you from living from your higher self and from seeing life with a greater sense of clarity. Enlightenment is within our reach; it is not something we attain but rather something you connect with. It is simply being connected with God.

Monday 31 January 2022

Can You Attain Complete Spiritualism with the Help of Knowledge?

Man deluded himself to believe that he was all-powerful. He began to reject the presence of a superior power, the creator of this universe. Undoubtedly, knowledge gives the feeling of strength and power. One can defeat a physically stronger adversary who is ignorant by using his mental prowess and skill. Ignorance is really a course. However, it is better to be ignorant, live in bliss than boast because of a little knowledge, and make a fool of oneself.


Today, everything is on the basis of knowledge. Man thinks that if you have knowledge, you have power. It is on partially true. According to the religious scriptures, knowledge lies within one’s self. Only self-knowledge can give man the spirituality to withstand the vicissitudes of life, without getting disturbed. Knowledge of the world of senses is only superficial and tends to create waves of dissatisfaction, greed and lust only. Any person who has realized that can certainly say with clam authority that real knowledge comes from self-realization and generates power to take life with all its joys and sorrows, vicissitudes, pleasures and pains. 


It cannot be denied that religious preachers and teachers have tried to exploit the ignorant, underprivileged and the gullible due to their tall claims of having a perfect understanding of scriptures. It was this gross misuse of knowledge by the Brahmans, which provoked Lord Buddha and Lord Mahavira to revolt against Hinduism, which had become too dogmatic and beyond the comprehension of the layman. 


However, despite gaining all knowledge, not all things that happen on this earth are as per man’s will. Nature still controls him – earth, droughts, floods, diseases, etc. Nature has its own ways of restoring the balance to keep the wheels of the universe going. Apart from that, man is until at the mercy of his basic instincts. Not all his knowledge has helped him to overcome his basic emotions of jealousy, hate, lust, greed, etc. Thus, he behaves in a most irrational manner on many occasions. No wonder, the world is divided into two power blocs and the people live in fear of another world war as some people in power make moves as if they are just playing a game of chess. They act most irresponsible.


Therefore, in spite of man’s tall claims to knowledge, man still today remains a victim of luck. Knowledge has certainly given him power but not the full power. 

Does Spirituality Control the Destiny Of Man?

The best and greatest creation of God is man. God has also imbibed the ability to do the most powerful things on earth. Therefore, he feels to be at par with God from some aspects. Hence, the destiny of man lies in his own hands. Claims that God controls man’s destiny is not at all true. The work that man does, he gets the results according to the work done. His character knows man. One has to pay hugely for some of their mistakes in themselves. 


“There is a divinity that saves our ends”, says Shakespeare. Sayings are that divinity controls the actions of man. The thought process is controlled by this divine power. Whether it is a Western or any other Eastern country, every country believes that stars control our fate. Astrology is the science of foretelling your future. One’s horoscope gives an indication of position of one’s all-powerful stars. The rulers consult tantrics and seek the blessing of priests before taking an important step. The common man believes auspicious days. The fear leads them to the hands of fate much more. It works through with hence. It is almost impossible to predict the outcome of any venture. History is full of examples, which show the ruthless working of fate. Battles were lost or won by a quirk of fate in the last minutes. 


However, this philosophy of fate is not acceptable to many. They say fatalists are cowards. They lack strength, a strong will and self-confidence. People who sit down without doing anything are nothing but too foolish. They believe that fate will do something for them. They do not realize the basic fact that if they do not work themselves, then fate too, does not have the power to make them stand up and move forward. Man gifted with courage and enterprise discards this philosophy. They believe in action and struggle to achieve their goal. These people conquer the Alps and cross the Pacific Ocean. 


In fact, the doctrine of fate is out of date in the scientific age. The realization that man can create something new has occurred in him. Not luck but labor is his watchword. He has adopted the motto of Ulysses to work hard, to search, to find and not to yield. Fortune only favors the brave. Fate is not blind. It also obeys the law of nature, the law of cause and effect. 

Friday 14 January 2022

Can You Achieve Success by the Use of Subconscious Mind?

It is a fact that you can achieve success by the use of subconscious mind. But the question is how to achieve success using subconscious mind. Mind is that part of a human system that has the ability to imagine. Only when a person imagines something, he or she can create that thing. Whatever you want is in full control of you, and takes place in the conscious mind. Then the conscious mind transfers it to the subconscious mind for it to imagine, that is to see, perceive, and feel. This process makes a person motivated to achieve the desired success. 


If you know the right method to use your subconscious mind, then you can get many benefits from your subconscious mind. However, it is imperative that you stay within positive influences to make sure that your subconscious mind is working for your good utility. 


You may have heard often doctors saying that most sicknesses arise in the mind. Here is a simple example of such a sickness. When the winter arrives, the atmosphere gets cold. We then, put on warm clothes and sniff our noses even if we do not catch cold. Sniffing gives a sensation and feeling that you have caught a cold, and hence is the feeling of sickness. This feeling directly relates to the subconscious mind. Thus, the doctors say that most of the sicknesses arise in the mind. However, this may not be the same in all cases. There are definitely diseases that have specific causes behind it. 


Generally, a human being uses 15% of the power of his subconscious mind correctly. What would happen if human beings used 95% of the power of their subconscious mind correctly? Then, there would not have been so much suffering in this world and everyone would have lived in peace. The life of man would change and he would have achieved success at every sphere of his life. Thus, to make a greater utility of your subconscious mind, know yourself, learn the way, and take control of your mind. This is the primary step to achieve success. 


A truly subconscious mind can help you achieve the desired success easily. However, you must know the appropriate way to turn your overtly negative subconscious mind to a positive subconscious to achieve success. Only positivity can bring success. There is no other way out. 

Does Subconscious Mind Affect Your Thoughts and Behavior?

The greatest and most beautiful gift given by God to man is the subconscious mind. Though it is highly complex to understand, yet it is the point where everything has control. A brain has two parts – conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Conscious mind is that part of the brain that controls your thought and actions. In other words, you are in control of the conscious mind. On the other hand, a subconscious mind has control over emotions and feelings of a person. Therefore, you are not in control of a subconscious mind. The subconscious mind controls you. 


Studies show that when you hear any news or anything, the subconscious mind is the first one to receive the information. It reaches the subconscious mind directly. Therefore, if you hear negative words throughout the day, then negative thoughts affect your subconscious mind automatically and you become pessimistic in life. Thus, always try to hear positive things, then a positivity will grow in your subconscious mind and you will have an optimistic attitude towards life. 


If you repeat something constantly, then your subconscious mind automatically accepts the fact that you were repeating. This is called affirmations due to repetitive actions. For example, if you are constantly saying something positive about an event, the chances are high that you will get a positive outcome. However, if you are repeating something negative, say you are constantly calling yourself a person with less confidence, and then chances are high that you will turn into a negative person or a person with lesser confidence. This happens because your subconscious mind has accepted the fact. 


Subconscious mind plays a major role to make a person turn healthier or unhealthier in life. However, if you can use the subconscious mind in a positive way, then it can bring a huge change in your life and change your life for the better. Since it involves emotions and feelings, therefore, it has the power to heal negativity if you are in a positive environment. However, it can have the reverse affect also. 


Thus, subconscious is a powerful tool gifted by God to Man to achieve the thing he or she wants in life. Many people yet do not know the role of a subconscious mind. It is important to bring this amazing gift of sub consciousness to the awareness of all people of the world. 

How Subconscious Eating Can Affect Us

Subconscious eating is such a habit where a person eats instinctively without thinking for a second time. For example, you are doing some work, and if anyone brings any food that you like, then you pick up the food and start eating, even if you are not hungry then. This practice of subconscious eating generally makes people fatter. It is more difficult for persons who wants to lose weight but unable to do so. The habit of subconscious eating makes them gain weight instead of losing some. 


One of the biggest mistakes that people make in their subconscious mind is that they begin to eat more when they workout with the opinion that since they are working out, they are losing calories, and so a little more intake of calories is not to deleterious for health. However, this is very wrong. The aim is to lose weight. Therefore, if a person takes in more number of calories than he is sweating out, then he does not lose any weight instead gains weight. 


Thus, to control the eating habits yourself and not by the subconscious mind, you have to play an active role. You must know yourself and have the ability to visualize your needs. For instance, you are a person with a weight of 100 kg and you want your weight to reduce to 55 kg. Therefore, you have to lose 45 kg to attain the shape. Then, your first step is to visualize yourself as a person of weight 55 kg. 


Only then, you get a positive affirmation in your subconscious mind to lose the weight and control your food habits. Along with controlling your food habits, you also need to perform some exercises under trained supervisors for correct ways to reduce the weight. Thus, this was just an example to make the understanding simpler for you. As a grown-up person, you are accountable of what you eat. Simply saying that you could not control eating is a mere excuse. 


These are all thoughts of a subconscious mind that makes a person think in such a complex manner. However, it is important to overcome the thoughts of a subconscious mind partially as you cannot overcome them fully. It is a part of the human psychological working of a brain, and therefore, trying to stop the working of a subconscious mind fully, is a matter of foolishness. 

Thursday 13 January 2022

How to Reprocess Your Thoughts

The mind is quite a complex organ of the human body. It is amazing to learn about the working of a mind when a person is fully conscious and in a subconscious state. However, many a times, you may have wanted to change yourself and your thoughts into a new person. Before turning to a new person, you have to think of the person you want to be and visualize him or her. In other words, it is a game of mind that makes you turn into a new person. Below are some ways where you can learn techniques on how to change yourself to a new person or reprogram your subconscious mind. 


The first thing is you have to make affirmations positively. You have to empower your mind with positive questions and positive, satisfactory responses. For instance, make assertions to yourself like, “I am satisfied that I have accomplished my job.” This is a positive affirmation and works wonders for subconscious minds. 


Visualization is an important property that helps you to change into a new man and plays a major role in the powering of your subconscious mind. This visualization must be creative and you must have the power to think and feel the things you want in life. It means that you must be able to imagine it with eyes closed. The property of visualization plays a major role in the subconscious mind. 


Audio programs are also a way to boost up the subconscious mind to a higher level. Here you attain a high concentration. For example, if you hear some positive words silently at night in an audio player even while you are asleep, it makes an impact in your mind and it plays the role of affirmation in the subconscious mind.  


However, there are many other ways too, to increase the power of your mind. Processes such as hypnosis, EFT and sublime videos also make an impact on your subconscious mind. The steps to program your subconscious mind once again are simple yet tough to follow. 


Words and emotions influence the subconscious mind more than other part. This is the reason why you have the power to attract more things when you are in a happy state of mind, as at that time, the subconscious mind is full of affirmations and visualizations. 


Thus, mind is a really highly complex process which if you want to study, you have to spend years and understand its pattern of functioning through study. 

How to Understand if You Have A Subconscious Mind Or Not

Many people think that they are in full control of their life. They fail to realize the simple fact that not everything works according to their control. However, few things on this earth are uncontrollable. One among these uncontrollable things is the subconscious mind. They are not in control of man. Things may apparently appear to be in control of you, but in reality, it is not. The destiny lies in control of your subconscious mind. 


A subconscious has both its advantages and disadvantages. Most of the people unknowingly use the subconscious mind for harmful purposes than for helpful purposes. For instance, many people often think themselves to be of no use and end up committing suicide. Before attempting suicide, they repeat this point of non-utility of themselves many times. When their subconscious mind accepts the fact that they are useless, they commit suicide. 


This is just one example. These types of negative emotions often play around us that make us accept the negative fact. Moreover, it is difficult to accept something positive than something negative. A common human psychological behavior says that people accept negative things more easily than a positive thing. Negative news makes a greater impact on the subconscious mind, thus leading to easy remembrance.


Let us again take a simple example to prove this case. Do you remember the exact day when your father died? Obviously, in most cases, the answer will be yes. Nevertheless, do you remember the exact day when your husband kissed you? Some may remember this, while most others may not. Thus, you see that you remember the negative emotion quite easily, whereas it is tough to remember the positive emotion. Likewise, many emotions and feelings are both easy and tough to remember. The subconscious mind plays a major role in dealing with these emotions and feelings leading your life to a happier one or a sadder one. 


Everything depends on the environment that surrounds you. Therefore, to understand whether you have a subconscious mind or not, first you have to understand yourself, your thoughts and feelings. Once you can judge yourself, only then you will be able to understand that you have a subconscious mind or not. 


However, every human being living on this earth has a subconscious mind. The only difference is that each one uses their subconscious mind differently or you can say the environment compels the subconscious mind or every person to function differently.