Thursday 19 May 2022

The One Thing That Made Our Economy Great Also Threatens It With Disaster!

America is awesome. It is the #1 economy in the world and for good reason. America is built on a tremendous amount of trust. You have to understand that in America, people would put out all sorts of food stock and products out in the street under the expectation that nobody would walk by and steal it.


That's how much people trust each other in the United States. In fact, you need to only look at the typical insurance policies and there's a tremendous amount of trust there. In fact, it would be nothing short of mind blowing to somebody who comes from another part of the world where trust is in short supply.


The reason why people trust each other in the United States is because the economy incentivizes trust. It grows the more people trust each other. That's why there's a tremendous amount of credit. That's why the credit is freely given and this means that a lot of businesses get started.


When businesses get started, a lot of jobs are needed and people are employed. In fact, in the United States right now thanks to the economic policies put in place by a high trust mindset, there are more job openings than people. And I'm talking about people taking second and third jobs. Even after they've done that, there are still more job openings.


This is the reason why America is looking to either import more people or invest heavily in automation. Regardless of how things turn out on that front, it is very important to focus on the one thing that made American economy great. Trust. 


It is amazing. It is nothing short of miraculous because thanks to America's solid judicial system where crimes are quickly solved and guilty people are punished, there is certainty. So, when people do the right thing, they can expect to be rewarded.


When they do bad things, they can rightfully fear swift and certain punishment. When you have such a system in place, trust grows. But the root of all of this is self-discipline. It takes discipline to do the right things day after day regardless of the fact that people are not watching you. 


Make no mistake, it's very easy to steal if nobody is watching you. But people don't do it. Enough people do the right thing and that's why the economy and the justice system that enables that economy continues to operate smoothly like clockwork.


But here's the problem, given the awesome economy that this amazing reservoir of self-discipline and trust has brought forth, it also planted the seeds of its destruction. Let me explain. Since the economy is based on trust and this leads to convenience, people are focused now on getting stuff as quickly as possible. They'll pay for it later and everything's fine. 


Generally, this is not a problem because of easy credit. But here's the problem. The more you engage in easy credit and pay for stuff you don't need with money you don't have; your discipline breaks down. It becomes addictive and more and more people are getting on the bandwagon and it's no surprise that American credit card debt is in the trillions.


Most people are only $500 away from a fiscal emergency. In other words, they're messing with bankruptcy if they get hit with an emergency that cost $500 or more. That's how bad our economic self-discipline is.


This creates a paradox because if you don't have any self-control over your spending, you spend, spend and spend and this is great for the economy. When you buy from a business on credit, that business would have to hire people.


That creates jobs and it boosts the economy. But the problem is it is all rooted in lack of self-discipline and this is going to eventually lead to an implosion. That bill is going to come due. No amount of burying your head in the sand is going to make that unpleasant reality go away. We already had a sneak peek of that in the 2008 financial crisis that leveled the global economy. 


Well, the coming consumer debt explosion is going to put that economic crisis to shame. In other words, the one thing that made our economy great, which is the emphasis on convenience, which is rooted in trust, which is rooted in self-discipline, is also its biggest threat.


Thankfully, the solution is equally simple. The solution is self-discipline. In other words, stop spending money you don't have on garbage you don't need. You don't need to impress your neighbors. You don't need to wear the latest and greatest fashion. 


Live within your means and before you know it, you have enough cash to invest and your money will grow and grow and you will be better off. The best part is you would be living life completely free of debt bondage.


How do you do this? Create a self-discipline framework will teach you whatever you need to become a more self-controlled individual. Make no mistake. Either you're going to have to control yourself or somebody else will.


Believe me, when the credit card debt collection company tries to discipline you, it's not going to be a pleasant sight or experience. It will be the best financial decision you will ever make in a long time.

Do You Have the Ultimate Building Blocks of Success?

Success is what drives our society. In fact, people love to talk about success. Whether you are working at an office or you're working at the fields, you can bet that people will size you up based on success. I hate to break it to you but it all boils down to dollars and cents.


Are you making more money than your neighbors? Are you worth more than the people you went to school with? Did you go further in your career? How do people measure that? That's right. By the amount of money in your bank account. It's all about money, money, money!


Now, a lot of people are offended by this. A lot of people think that this is just crass materialism and it rots the soul and so on and so forth. I would agree with them. But despite the fact that we can cry until our tears have dried up regarding the crass materialism of our modern world, all those tears are not going to make this reality go away.


People can and do measure you based on your ability to make money. So do yourself a big favor. If you want to build the kind of success that you can have pride in that is free of money, you better have self-discipline. This is the ultimate building block of your self-defiant success.


If you want to break away from being measured in financial terms against your cousins, junior high school classmates or fraternity brothers or sorority sisters, you better listen up. Either you come up with your own measure through your own hard work, focus and dedication or somebody else will impose their standard on you.


You already know what the standard is. You are already chafing under that standard. It's a standard you did not make. It's a standard you cannot accept. It's a standard that is centered completely around money.


You know that you're not just about money. You know that you're worth more. Well, prove it by being self-disciplined. Prove it by taking control over your life. Prove it by taking ownership over the many things in your life that you'd rather run away from.


That's how you build the kind of life you want for yourself. That's how you make a statement. That's how you push back against all the peer pressure that the world is putting on your shoulder. That's how you step up and become a full person. How do you do this?


Well, it's simple. You live your life day to day doing things that are necessary and unpleasant. Sure, it's hard to show up at work on time every time and to put in 110%. It is particularly difficult when it seems like your boss is incapable of even appreciating all the hard work and effort you put in.


But you're not doing this for your boss. You're doing this day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, not for your boss, not for some sort of external reward. You're doing it for yourself. You're doing it to build discipline because before you know it, you will have developed enough worth inside of you that your current boss would be a complete full to ignore.


Either they pay you what you're worth or you're going to walk and get paid. That's how it works. So do yourself a big favor. Invest in yourself in the most important and strategic way possible. Invest in your self-discipline today.


How do you do that? Get a framework that is completely practical and written in plain English. In fact, these materials are so accessible and so easy to understand that you think that they are common sense. 


Make no mistake, common sense is very uncommon today because everybody's looking for a short cut. Everybody's looking for a freebie. Everybody's looking for an easy way out. You, on the other hand, are digging in and becoming a better person because of that choice.


Rebuild This Personal Trait Now or Live the Rest of Your Life Feeling Incomplete!

Here's the problem. A lot of people have some level of discipline. There. I said it. This is what makes it problematic. Why? You may have 1% discipline and think that you are as disciplined as you would ever get. You might even be under the impression that that's all the discipline you will ever need to achieve the kind of success you have set out for yourself.


Well, you and I both know that you're basically just playing games with yourself. It's only a matter of time until the world slaps you across the face and gives you 1 hard lesson after another. The truth is unless you are willing to go big, you better get ready to go home. That's how the world works.


I know it's harsh. I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear. But it's absolutely what you need to hear. The world is all about competition. You may think you're great. You may think you're smart. You may think you're good looking. But guess what? Somebody else is smarter, more beautiful and most importantly, has what it takes to get the job done.


It's a competition out there and all the denial in the world is not going to make this reality go away. You can hide your head in the sand. But nothing’s going to happen. You have to step up. You have to invest in yourself so you can take whatever slings and arrows the world throws your way and throw them back and come out on top.


Worse yet, you have to be able to do this day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. As you can well imagine, this is not easy because let's face it, we're creatures of comfort. When given a choice, we'd rather run towards pleasure and ditch pain. 


That's how we're hardwired. That's how we've evolved through thousands of years of evolution. People who are wired differently died out. When you look into our DNA, that's the kind of mindset we have. But people who overcome in this life and who really make the kind of amazing life for themselves that are inspiration to others overcome this natural tendency.


The good news is if they can do it, you can do it too. You already have some level of discipline. If you're reading this and you can afford this book, you have some level of discipline. That's not the issue.


The issue is whether you can build on that discipline. That's why I say that this is all about rebuilding because whatever discipline you have is not enough. You have to rebuild it. You have to start from scratch. You have to change your paradigm. You have to look at your assumptions and question them. You need to go to a different place and build a new you.


This is how you rebuild discipline the right way so it can continue to grow and scale over time. This is how you transform from somebody who's just walking around and feeling sorry for himself or herself and thinking that you're some sort of victim.


Wouldn't it be awesome to go from continuously bitching and moaning and asking “What happened to me?” to making things happen? Wouldn't it be great to go from victim to victor? Well, it's possible through self-discipline. 


I know it's not sexy. In fact, in many cases, it's downright uncomfortable or even painful. But it's a necessary choice. And the worst part to all of this is it's not instant. It's something that you have to do today, tomorrow, the day after, the next month, the next year and on and on it goes.


But the good news is as you put one foot in front of the other in this long personal journey, you become a new person. Ultimately, self-discipline is not a destination. It is the journey itself.


Are you willing to go on that journey? If so, click here. This practical everyday guide enables you to tap your native intelligence to become more self-disciplined in the here and now.


You don't have to go to some sort of remote monastic retreat. You don't have to bend over backwards and do something extra ordinary to be self-disciplined. You can be disciplined right now. It doesn't matter how busy you are. It doesn't matter what kind of duties, obligations and responsibilities you have. You can be self-disciplined right here.


It's a choice. Claim that amazing life you are otherwise capable of achieving for yourself.


The Worst Kind of Pollutants Are The Ones You Can't Detect Physically

"To see is to believe." How many times have you heard that saying? Unfortunately, a lot of people have made that statement their life's mantra. In their minds, as long as they cannot empirically perceive something, then it doesn't exist. Well, I don't want to bring back nightmare memories of you back in high school or college philosophy class, but do you remember your professor asking this classic philosophy question? 


If a tree falls in the woods and no one was around to hear it, did it really fall? This is one of the most basic philosophy questions, because it goes straight to the heart of our conception of reality. The obvious answer, of course, is yes. If a tree fell in the woods, and we know what a tree is, and we know how falling works, and we know that falling often involves some sort of vibration in the air, and we know that vibration in the air can be perceived as sound, then the answer is a resounding yes. 


In other words, reality operates according to certain rules that don't change regardless of perception. I want you to wrap your mind around this truth, because when thinking about detox. Believe it or not, the worst kinds of pollutants in your life are not the ones you can detect physically. 


They go beyond your drug test. They go beyond the alcohol level in your blood or breath. They go beyond your x-ray. They go beyond any kind of test that involves the human sense of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. In other words, the worst kinds of pollution are mental, emotional, and spiritual. 


Why are they necessarily worse? Well, what if I told you that regardless of what physical shape you're in, if your mind is in the right place, you will be able to do things that you previously felt you were incapable of doing. This happens all the time. People who have serious physical limitations are still able to do what they want to do, because they have the right mindset. 


That's how powerful your spiritual self is. If you're completely honest with yourself, it makes everything in your life possible. Your choice of clothing, your physical shape, your overall health, your lifestyle, all of those began as choices, and where do you think choices come from? They start out with an idea which is processed through your mindset. 


This is stuff that you cannot see. But just because they remain locked within the deep confines of your consciousness doesn’t mean they have an effect. You find yourself going around in circles unable to do much about the patterns you constantly find yourself living out. Talk about feeling trapped. This is not the way to live. But, if you are stuck within this type of life pattern, you feel there’s not much you can do about anything in your life. It’s as if you are bound to repeat the same bad decisions over and over again. 


Unlock the power of holistic detox to finally resolve your issues in a deep and meaningful way. Learn to revolutionize your life, because it can change how you view yourself, your connection to the universe, and your personal purpose. Please understand that deep personal detoxification starts with one idea. 

What Is Spiritual Detox And Why Do We All Need It?

Usually, when you mention the word spirituality, people start to get nervous. I'm sure you don't need me to remind you that spirituality is a fairly touchy subject in our day and age. After all, personal autonomy is our number one value, and anything that we feel impedes or limits that sense of personal autonomy, is problematic. 


Either we're suspicious of it, dismissive, or we oppose it. It is something that we view as a problem. While most of us are perfectly okay with other people being spiritual, we definitely have an issue with others imposing their spirituality on us no matter how subtle it may be. 


Indeed, the whole concept of spirituality is some sort of philosophical landmine, and I'm not just talking about the West. With that said, please understand that human beings have a spiritual element. Now, that spiritual element is not going to go away just because you don't believe it. Just because you can't measure, just because you can't reduce it into numbers, or some sort of x-ray diagram, or some sort of MRI scan, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. 


If you don't believe me, look at your life. Look at the situations in your past when you had a different purpose. Look at what you were able to achieve because you felt you had a certain purpose, or lacked purpose. Now, compare that with other periods in your life when you were animated by a different purpose. Do you see the difference? 


It may seem immaterial, it might even seem foolish, but a sense of purpose can go a long way. You have to understand that the big challenge of life is not so much how to figure out what to do and how to do things, or when to do them, and who to do it with. Those are the technical details. Most of us are smart enough to be able to figure those out. 


The real challenge in life is why we do things. What is it about that certain activity that enables us to try again and again despite all the discouragement, failures, and setbacks that life throws our way? In other words, it's all about purpose. Because let me tell you, you can tell somebody what to do, and they probably won't perform as well compared to how they would do if you gave them a sense of meaning. 


They will find the strength they need to keep going despite the challenges and setbacks. How come? They're moving purposefully. They know that they are not just wasting their time. They know that somehow, someway, they're not just chasing their tail. They know that they're working for something bigger and better than themselves. They are working for something more meaningful. 


That's the difference, and that truth highlights the power of spirituality in our lives. It also highlights the fact that this spirituality is often crushed, distorted, deformed, if not seriously compromised. How come? Spiritual toxins. Believe it or not, were surrounding ourselves with toxins that eat away at our sense of purpose. They eat away at our ability to turn our ideas into things that we can see, touch, taste, smell, and hear. 


They eat away at our ability to claim and shape the reality we want for ourselves. The human being is the most powerful creature in the universe, and the problem is most people are all too content to live their lives like worms, or slugs. Tragic, no? Adopt a powerful spiritual detox program that would enable you to unlock your full potential and revolutionize your life!


The Three Most Common Forms Of "Invisible Non-Material Pollutants"

When people think of pollutants, they think about chemicals, radiation, or even rocks being thrown in a stream. No matter how natural or unnatural the pollutant is, at the end of the day, most people define pollutants in purely physical terms. This really is too bad because the real pollutants that we have to worry about in our lives are not things that we can detect. 


Think about it, if you can detect something, you only need to look at a sign. You only need to come prepared. Maybe you would have to wear a hazmat suit. Maybe you would have to wear a biohazard "hot suit." That's pretty much the long and short of it. 


But the problem is the most dangerous pollutants in our lives are things that we cannot see. These eat away into our sense of purpose. These pollutants and toxins distort our sense of personhood. They change our mindsets in dangerous ways. No matter how you define, and regardless of the angle from which you look at these issues, it's bad news. But if you're still unclear, here are the three most common forms of invisible non-material pollutants. 


The sooner you let go of these, the better your life would be. If you're feeling stuck, frustrated, desperate, or simply depressed, maybe it's because you've exposed yourself to these invisible non-material pollutants. Just because you can't readily see them, doesn't take their danger away.

Spiritual pollutant #1

Constant comparison 


When you are constantly comparing your looks, your wealth, your physical traits, your personality, or anything else to somebody else, you are polluting your mind. You’re filling your life with junk and you will eventually have nothing to show for it. 


You spend a tremendous amount of mental and emotional energy going through the comparison, but you know full well that the outcome is all too predictable. The outcome is you lose. The reason why people compare themselves in the first place, is because they're comparing something that they don't have to something that somebody else has. 


They're being envious, but they do it through comparison. Still, it all leads to a sense of inadequacy. You obsess more about the things that are missing in your life, instead of the things that are going right. 


Spiritual pollutant #2 



The Buddha said that the root of all human suffering is desire. There's a lot of truth to this. When you spend a tremendous amount of your time coveting or designing things that other people have, what are you doing to yourself? 


First of all, you are reminding yourself, yet again, that you feel that your life is somehow, someway deficient. There is something missing. There is something incomplete. There is something wrong with your life. Do you think any of this is empowering? Of course not. 


The second thing that you do when you're constantly desiring is that you are directing energy from creation to envy. Envy is not creation. You're not building something. You're not focusing your creative powers to where it should go. You're not planting. Instead, you're thinking about stealing. You are thinking about how you've been left behind because somebody has the things that you desire. You're beating yourself up. 


Spiritual pollutant #3 



One of the worst ways we can spend our time is to focus on the past. The past already happened. It already hurt, it already cut, it already did a number on us. Why do you want to keep reliving it? Now, a lot of people tried to play games with themselves and say, "Well I try to remember because I don't want that traumatic event to happen again." Well, fair enough. 


But the problem is when you pay close attention to what you're actually doing, when you're remembering things from the past and compare with what you're actually feeling, you're not learning; far from it. Instead, you are reliving the memory because you're trying to do something about it, without doing something about it. 


I know it sounds stupid, because it is. That's like trying to change the weather by walking around and chewing gum. There's no logical connection. Just because you feel bad about your ex-girlfriend, doesn't mean that all this negative emotional energy and catharsis is somehow, someway going to change her. She's moved on, she is living her life. It's high time you lived yours. 


Overcome the power of spiritual pollutants in your life so as to change the direction of your life. If you are in any way, shape, or form, feeling stuck, powerless, voiceless, or incomplete, this blog will take your life to the next level. Learn the skills that you need to fully detoxify yourself of the toxins that are holding you back from the kind of life you could otherwise be living.