Monday 31 January 2022

Positive Thinking and Determination Helps One to Attain Goals

Will power is, indeed, a great force in the world. Tenacity of purpose is in most cases a guarantee of ultimate success. On the contrary, a man who wavers at the first sign of difficulty, feels his confidence running out at the initial setbacks and loses enthusiasm at the first sign of failure can never achieve his goal. He is utterly lacking in the most essential condition of success – will power. Some tasks are seemingly impossible, but can be accomplished with determination and hard work. One should not therefore, lose courage in the face of difficulties. 


The efficacy of will power can be demonstrated by numerous examples from the lives of common people. A person of weak constitution who is constantly plagued with one or other ailment can bring about vast improvement in the health merely by a pertinacious observance of certain rules. It may not bear instant results, but will certainly bring about dynamic change in the level of fitness. 


Similarly, a student can win distinction in the examination, if he sets his heart on it and applies himself with sincere determination. The reason why so many students fail in their examinations is not that the students lack the will to pass. They are indifferent to their failure or success, as they have no definite purpose in life. 


No impediments can stand in the way of a person who makes up his mind to attain his objective. There is countless number of examples of people, who in spite of being physically handicapped, have achieved targets, which would appear impossible even to normal people. Such people do not allow themselves to be overwhelmed by the heaviest odds. Instead, they work systemically to minimize natural deficiencies to achieve their goals. They simply dare to defy their destiny by their hope, courage, enterprise and dedication. 


Any man who pursues his ideals with determination is likely to meet with success. There are countless pupils, whose lives are a classic instance of the triumph of will. They have also known despair, failure and defeat, but what puts them apart from others is that they do not succumb to these setbacks. They continue to work for the achievement of their goals. 


A man with an iron will power, positive approach to life, can certainly pave a way for himself in spite of obstacles and hardships confronting him at every step. The secret of success in life is to carry on steadfastly with eyes fixed on the goals one has set oneself in life. Everyone has within himself the capacity to work hard and the tendency to cultivate a strong will power and optimistic approach, an invaluable asset to succeed in life.

Self-Reliance Is a Part of Optimism

Self-reliance literally means satisfying every want by oneself and not depending frequently for it. However, in the nature’s scheme of things, all livings and non-living are independent and sustain each other. Plants, animals, human beings cannot exist in isolation, they share life together. When an individual begins to take this dependence for guaranteed and ceases to make any efforts for himself, then he becomes like a parasite. Although we need other to live, so long as we are not self-reliant, we have not started living properly. It is applicable to individuals as well as to nations. 


Normally, an individual from the very beginning is taught to be self-reliant. A child is sent to school, then to college to prepare himself to face life. Today, parents want not only their sons but also daughters to be self-reliant. However, it is a pity that when we talk of self-reliance, we normally refer to economic independence. 


Self-reliance does not mean merely an ability to earn one’s living. It implies much more. A person cannot be called truly self-reliant if he has learned to be not only self-supporting but also to live right through a rigorous cultivation of spiritual and moral values to guide him in his life. Such a person thinks without fear and works with devotion. He develops confidence in his abilities, so essential for success in life. He develops power of independent thinking and taking decisions boldly. Such total self-reliance enhances his self-respect. 


It is a pity that man has become so selfish. Unless man understands the true implication of the word self-reliance, there can be no moral and spiritual regeneration. It is a lesson that should be taught early in life while the young minds are being trained for a vocation. It is education about which can teach the impressionable young apprentice to learn to live and not merely to learn to earn a living. 


Thus, a lesson in self-reliance can be begun early in the life so that no one grows up to be selfish, narrow-minded and live like a parasite on others. Such total self-reliance will bring about a dramatic change in the lives of man and help in promoting a spirit of mutual love, respect and faith. It helps users in an era, which Gandhiji had envisaged, where man will not feel degraded if asked to do menial work. On the other hand, he will take pride in being self-sufficient.

Positive Thinking and Its Effect on Health

We all know that feeling sad can lead to depression if it’s not resolved, but what can negative thinking do to your general health and wellbeing. Research has shown, that people who are positive thinkers tend to have fewer colds and live longer and enjoy being in a state of good health.


The reason for this state overall improved health is not hard to understand. There is a direct connection between our emotions and our physical body. This connection has been known, though not completely understood for a long time. People may grow older physically and this may be quite noticeable, but inwardly they remain young and confident and their energy levels remain high, when they maintain a positive outlook on life. 


What is clearly known is that in people who maintain positive thinking, the immune system is heightened by increased levels of hormones designed to build resistance to common infections such as colds and the influenza virus. 


The feeling of being in control or life and circumstances together with optimism about life in general helps to help us make choices in other areas of our life. People, who feel relaxed and confident and in control tend to eat better foods, exercise more and spend more time with family and friends. These activities are themselves, contribute to an improvement of health and wellbeing.


People who are think negatively about their circumstances in life and who don’t look after their nutritional needs and exercise regularly, often become focused on finding ways to increase their escape from such feelings, over eating and addictions to cigarettes, drugs and alcohol are common symptoms of negative thoughts. 


Experiencing emotional wellbeing and balance doesn’t mean never feeling sad or upset about things. It means reducing the stress in our lives and remaining positive despite all we may be facing. It is in believing that all of our struggles in life are not unique problems that only we face. People with serious, even life-threatening health problems are known to go into remission or see immediate improvement in their symptoms when they focus on life outside of their health problems. 


Emotional well-being is one of the most important gifts we can give to ourselves. Doing regular emotional checkups and ensuring we do something to help aid our emotional well-being is essential to maintaining a healthy life. 

3 Balances of Saving Your Relationship

The word balance is a very common one and it used in everyday life. It is a very important thing if you want to save your relationship. The people who are in relationships which are going down will realize that they have ignored or failed to attain the relationship balance. The thing that you should first understand is the meaning of this phrase. This phrase talks about three diverse types of balance and every type of balance is very important in a relationship if you want it to be successful. 


The first balance is between your choices and behavior patterns, and your partner’s needs. The truth is that we all have choices that work well with us and only suit our lifestyle. However, the fact that you have a partner, you will have to prepare yourself for a change of give and take so that you can save your relationship. Adjustments so as to please your partner have got to be made so that you can be in a position to restore your relationship. If by any chance you have contradicting personality characters involved. The truth is that you cannot change your partner’s personality and so what you can do is trying hard to accommodate one another and bring about helpful changes.


The second balance is dependence and independence. If you are having a hard time in restoring your relationship this simply means that one partner is trying to balance dependence and independence. This comes about when you are always dependent on your partner for poignant support, in making decisions, going out, and you have made your partner to feel that he or she cannot do without him. This will make them to feel that they are subdued and ensnared. This usually happens to men and in most cases that feel that the women want so much from them. For you to be able to restore your relationship then you have to note some independence and balance.


The last balance is speaking and listening. This point is self-explanatory. There are many people who simply understand these two principles but very few of them implement them. The minute you start quarrelling one another, then you lose your relationship powers. The minute your ears are not working effectively then the thought of you saving your relationship fades away. It is advisable that you listen to one another when you are both at peace. The best thing that you are supposed to do is to take time and listen to one another’s idea about the relationship and then find solutions to the problems in the relationship. With effort you can be able to use these three balances and save your relationship. 

Escaping Toxic Relationships

Not many know the true definition of what a relationship is. Many think of it as an avenue of getting laid while others think of it as a bond between two people who find each other attractive. All these are just but wild guesses. Yes, they make some sense but none of them get even close to the real definition of a relationship. A true love relationship can only be defined by its characters. A true relationship is one that is based on understanding, where none thinks of himself only, one that has an automatic chemistry to it and above all one that is made of frequent arguments and instant make-ups to each.


On the other hand, the exact opposite to this is a toxic love relationship also known as an unhealthy relationship. A ‘love doctor’ once defined toxic love relationships as bonds between two needy individuals. In the long run, it ends up being a union defined by parasitical behavior. Just like the normal parasitical relationships in the animal world, there is a victim and a parasite in these relationships; each with his or her own degree of ‘sickness’. In some cases, the situation is quite mild that one can hardly notice that the relationship is toxic. It is only after the effects reveal themselves that they notice the relationship was unhealthy, but it is normally too late by then. However, there are ways of escaping such relationships.


Once you find out that you are in a toxic relationship, the best thing to do is to leave that relationship immediately before it gets worse. To some, this tends to be too harsh for them to do it immediately. This is normal since the two of you had already formed some kind of bond. However, there is still a remedy for such a scenario. 


All that you are required to do is to take some time off while the two of you re-think things out. Preferably, this should be at least a month and at most three months. In this time, there are certain conditions that the two of you should stick to. They include; not keeping in touch for the whole time, you should reset the clock once one of you goes against the conditions, write letters to each other exposing your feelings and present them after the period is over. Make sure that you meet in a very neutral area. Come to a mutual agreement once you meet or agree to disagree. Make sure the two of you come to an agreement during the final meeting. This is the only way out! 

Facts about Relationships That You Should Know

Relationships have become trending topics in our streets today. Many are falling in and out of relationships each with his or her own reason. “I do not think I can do this any longer” or “I think it is best that we break up”; this are some of the common break-up lines that such individuals use. Despite the fact that most partners have various reasons why they decided to break up with their partners, all these reasons trickle down to one main reason, this being lack of understanding between the two individuals. Love is based on understanding, without it, its dead. In addition to this, there are certain facts that each couple should understand for their relationship to blossom.


To start with, relationships are never accidental; they do not just happen out of the blues. Many tend to take their relationships thinking that they played no part in creating them. Such individuals tend to be so proud that they leave all the relationship-related responsibilities for their spouses. This never works! We are all supposed to make some effort to maintain the relationships and invest a reasonable amount of time in our spouses; it will pay off in the end. 


Secondly, all relationships are based on needs. When entering into the relationship, each party had its own needs or desires of which they expected to fulfill through the relationship. Therefore, it is the relationship of the partner to identify these desires and make sure that he or she fulfills them to the fullest. Do not wait for your partner to verbally express his nor her desires, it is up to you to find them out and solve them. This is one of the areas where understanding is required most in the relationship. Still on that note, be patient. All the good relationships take some time to build. Do not rush into things, go step by step. This way, you will get to learn more about each other and give love time to grow and permanently settle between you.


Thirdly, grudges are never part of relationships. It is a fact that no relationship can work with one or both parties holding grudges against the other. A perfect relationship can only be founded by a perfect couple. On the other hand, a perfect coupe is one that has no provision for grudges between them. Everyone has imperfections; therefore it is up to the spouse to understand, forgive and forget. Remember, relationships are only as good as the people in them! 

Signs Which Show a Bad Relationship

Relationships are funny at times and very complicated. There are those times that you feel you are not happy with your relationship and you are trying to figure out whether you are the problem in the relationship. There are however various signs which would tell if you if your relationship is not good enough. 


The first thing is lack of commitment. This simply means that one of you is not devoted to the other. One of you is not very attentive or is not supporting or is not affectionate of the other. This will result as a way of not wanting to do anything for your partner so as to please them and make them happy. And so this will make your relationship to be rocky and unbearable. In this case you will also stop paying attention to your partner and so the compliments also will stop and you will not also appreciate one another. If you notice that your partner is rather negative then you should start asking yourself whether this is the kind of relationship that you want, the only advice would be to move out of it. This is because relationships cannot be successful when it is full of negativity. 


The second thing is infidelity. You should ask yourselves in the relationship whether you both have fidelity in your relationship or there is not. If you have infidelity in your relationship then you should stop the relationship because it is a sign of a bad relation. Many are the times that we are bombarded with information that faithfulness is overestimated but these are just lies. 


The most important thing in a relationship is fidelity because it separates your partner from everyone else globally. This is because it is something that should happen only between partners. This is what makes your relationship strong because your partner knows that you value them to a point that you forsake all other sexual relationships for them. And so when you have infidelity then this shows that you do not respect your partner or they are not good enough. 


The third thing is not having trust in your relationship. You should ensure that you are there for one another and also believe in one another in your relationship. In a relationship there should be no doubts, misgivings or suspicion about your partner because this will mean that it is a bad relationship. Lies would look so petty but the truth is that they bring about mistrust which is the key element in a successful relationship. 

Where to Find Relationships

There are many places where one can find a relationship partner. However before you involve yourself in a relationship you must make sure that you know the person very well. There are so many reasons as to why people get involved in a relationship. There are those who get into a relationship because of love, others will get into a relationship because they want money from their partner. Such relationships which are based on material things are the ones which are never successful. Nowadays there are so many places where one can get potential partners. There is some where you use money whereas there are those which are free. 


One of the places where people get potential partners includes internets. There are chat rooms which are all over the internet which many people find their partner. Some of the chat rooms include social networks like face book, twitter and many others. Other sources include the newspapers and magazines. However, you are advised to be very carefully because you do not know the person very well. Some of the people which you get involved with are from all over the world. There are people of all ages also. You will also find sites which have got old men and women who are looking for younger relationship partners and vice versa. People chat in these rooms and then they organize for meetings and also share photos. 


However, there are those which work and there are those which do not last. In any relationship you should be ready for anything especially the ones which you spot in magazines, newspapers and the internet. Radios also help various people to find potential partners. However, when you are looking for a potential partner, you should first get to know them before you start something serious. Traveling from one place to the other because you are likely to meet new friend and start a relationship with them. You should not just stay at one place; you should be adventurous and be social. 


Before you get into a relationship with anyone, you should know that there are bad sides of it and good sides also. Learning how to deal with both is what makes the relationship grow. There is nothing which is perfect in this world and so you should not expect to get a perfect partner. Learn to understand your partner in your relationship. However, you should do research and know the things which are going to make your relationship to spark. Relationships are all about commitment. 

Are Dreams Equivalent to Self-Discovery?

We all dream of something that we wish to do in reality. Some dreams come true while others do not. Again, there are two kinds of dreams – daydreams and night dreams. Night dreams are in our control, but daydreams are those that we wish to think of and go into a state of trance. That is when people call it daydreaming. Studies show that many a time dreams have led to the self-discovery of a person. 


It is not at all an easy task; however, it is not that tough too. Only a little awareness of feelings and common sense can make you discover yourself by the help of dreams. Anyway, the question that is tingling in your mind now is how to discover yourself by the help of dreams. Well, here are some detailed steps that can help you. 


First, as you get up from the sleep, immediately write down the dream that you have seen last night. To do this, you have to keep a notepad at your bed stand so that you can write your dream even before leaving the bed. However, do not try to analyze the dream at this point of time. Just keep it that way and leave for other work.


Second, when you return from work and have freshened up yourself and relaxing, write it as a journal. As you write them on a journal and read them later on, you will get to interpret your dreams and will see that you can identify what makes you happy or sad. This lead to the path of discovering yourself. Often dreams are just an interpretation of the situation that you might be thinking or facing throughout the day. Therefore, we can call dreams to be a part of self-discovery though not entirely a step to self-discovery. 


In a way, it is important for individuals to discover themselves to achieve success. In addition, to achieve success, it is important to dream. Therefore, we can say that dreams and self-discovery are equivalent to each other in terms of success, even though apparently it may seem to have no connection. Moreover, to achieve success, it is also important to have determination, willingness, perseverance, discipline, attention, an eye for details and perfection. And, all of these elements are essential for turn dreams into success as well as self-discovery. Thus, you can only discover yourself when you dream of a thing.